Several things in here


Nov 13, 2016
Hi Guys,

So I have been impressed with the great help I've been recieving today(first day on tom's hardware) and I think that maybe I should ask a few more things since having a second opinion is not wrong.

Already have my gpu, Sapphire TRI-X R9 FURY

Basically I have some conflicts regarding my soon-to-be pc:
16GB of Corsair Vengeance to 3GHZ (don't know wether to buy 8GB so I can channel money into something else)
6700k over the 6600k (I7 seems overkill since I am mainly going to play games on it)
Zalman Z11 Neo (didn't manage to find anything better for this money)
Gigabyte Z170 Gaming K3 (didn't manage to find anything better for this money)

Maybe I should go for non K so I can take a better H170, dunno, really intrigued here.

If you think there is something to improve, please advise 😀

1. Stick with 16GB. Definitely worth it.
2. 6600k is fine. You only need a i5 for gaming.
3. That case is good.
4. The mobo is OK but a cheaper and well-renowned one is the Asus Z170-A or Z170-AR.

Thing is I will probably never go for cross fire and the z170 has 3 slots. And it's more expensive
8 GB is pretty much the minimum These days, some open world games or bf1 profit off additional ram

The Gaming K3 is probably the best board in its price range

6700k is a bit better in dx12 but when on a budget an i5 is more than sufficient

1 question remains: what PSU will you use?

Going for the Seasonic M12 620 EVO