Should comsumers file a world class-action law suit against Nividia's Falsifying GTX970 Specifications???

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Nov 6, 2013
Being one of many people world wide that purchased a gtx 970, after hearing the latest new regarding the gpu's false specifications make me believe I did not get what I agreed on purchasing.

Upon purchasing my gtx970 I was under the impression that it was a 4gb card not 3.5, ROPs were 64 not 56 and memory bandwith was actually 224 GB/s not 224 GB/s aggregate...

I know in Australia, consumer laws deems this product to be recalled or marked as defective and sold much cheaper then its current retail value. ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) would deem this a crime to consumers and would be sued for false marketing and false information regarding the product.

Is this an major issue and should we be seeing a major class-action law suit against Nividia???

Im interested in hearing other peoples thoughts are around the world regarding the gtx 970 and the thoughts of people that have purchased the gpu not getting what they actually paid for.


To address your points;

the quoted memory is not the issue. They stated it had 64 ROPs when it actually had 56.

Whether they intended to falsely advertise or not is irrelevant.

One thing they had to gain was making the public think it had equivalent number of ROPs to the 980.

Although many website reviewed the product, the deficiency would only have shown up if more than 3.5GB Vram was used. Reviews aren't always completely thorough.

well, it does have 8GB, whereas the GTX970 doesn't have 64 ROPs.

Most definitely. After consulting every forum and support site connected with or about ACU and applying every purported solution over the last few weeks, I have yet been able to play this game as I still keep getting the "ACU.exe not responding" notice. The game then locks up with the only way to exit being a reboot. I'm not sure whom is responsible for this fiasco, 'UPlay' or 'Ubisoft', but I wish someone would take responsibility and publish a viable solution.


By golly, I would institute the class action suit.
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