[SOLVED] Should i be looking at CPU OR GPU?


Feb 23, 2014
Despite of being a tech, I am not in tune with Graphics cards... .. SO Basically I am building a whole setup for a client.

Livestreaming his podcast but also adding video online.

I believe I am going to go with 3-4 1080 or 4K Logitech or USB cameras but add an extra USB 3.0 pci card inside the desktop.

So basically, for something like that, You guys reckon I don't need much GPU power, just CPU power like the latest Ryzen 7 or INTEL i7 CPU with 16GB Ram or so.

And if so, would the latest Intel or AMD on-board GPU be fine?

I've decided to do this vs getting HDMI/SDI out cameras attaching them to a slitter/switcher and then to broadcaster connected to the PC to send to a video livestream via Wirecast..

Since it's less of a load and equipment with usb cameras, as for he doesn't need Tv production equipment yet.