I would ask you to limit ur oc to 1.35v if you want a long life for ur cpu. Going beyond 3.9ghz for a 60hz monitor, the gains are not worth it. And yes, I expect the AIO to give you about 5 c cooler avg Temps at 50% fan load.
Probably a bit better to use the AIO, but if you're going to do any form of overclocking, the stock cooler is probably not adequate unless your OC is very minimal.
First off thats a good OC for that CPU and voltage! Your cooler seems fine unless your concerned about your temps under load. I would rather use a liquid cooled unit vs. an air cooled unit any day of the week, especially if your overclocked. If your not suffering from any crashes or concerned about temperatures I think you are good.
My temps are running around 45-47 c. I've got 2 intake fans and 3 blowing exhaust.
Should I raise the voltage? This is my first build, and I don't want to fry the CPU or MB, and then have to ask my dad to buy another for me.
Dashman9000 :
First off thats a good OC for that CPU and voltage! Your cooler seems fine unless your concerned about your temps under load. I would rather use a liquid cooled unit vs. an air cooled unit any day of the week, especially if your overclocked. If your not suffering from any crashes or concerned about temperatures I think you are good.
I would ask you to limit ur oc to 1.35v if you want a long life for ur cpu. Going beyond 3.9ghz for a 60hz monitor, the gains are not worth it. And yes, I expect the AIO to give you about 5 c cooler avg Temps at 50% fan load.