Should I buy the Samsung 850 Evo 500GB at this point in time?


Jul 13, 2014
I've been waiting for SSD prices to drop before I buy one, but I figure at this point that this 500GB Samsung SSD is cheap enough for me. I was just wondering, though, are cheaper SSD's right around the corner that these prices dropped so quickly, or should I just go through with the purchase now?
there is no point in waiting to buy when it comes to SSDs, they are getting bigger/cheaper to buy, I just picked up the 850 EVO 250gb and not even a day later it was 10-20$ cheaper on certain sites... So I got a second for RAID.
If you are concerned about price going down then go to frys and do a price match on the ssd. If price drop within 30 days you can return it and get your full money back or just do a price match and keep the one you purchased.

First one I did price match and saved on the spot. Price dropped few weeks later so i went back and did another price match and got money back. It drop again! And since my ssd was coming close to 30 days return policy date, i returned it and got a new one to reset my 30 day return policy.

When you do a price match you don't have to take your ssd in just your box with the receipt. Hope that helps. Saved over $60.