Should I change my psu?


Oct 14, 2008

In my new build I am using my 4 maybe 5 year old psu(forgot how old) Scythe Kamariki 4 750watt 80plus psu. It doesnt have a medal color,just 80 plus.

There is not any problems with it. Should I keep it or change to a newer psu?

I have a i7 4790K, 16gb DDR3 ram, 1ssd, 2hdd, 3 case fans(2 are led), a GTX660 soon to change to a 970.

I only need a 500-550 watt psu but since I had my psu from my old pc, I used it.
Is it too much power? I know that it is not good to have a psu with too much power over what is needed.
Without throwing a tester on it, it's hard to say.... Run Furmark with HWiNFO (sensors only) loaded for 30 minutes or so....record min and max voltages on the 3.3, 5 and 12 volt rails at the completion of test. Calculate the % variation from target voltages for min and max

> 5% is very bad
2.5 % is suitable for moderate overclocking
1% is suitable for aggressive overclocking

If any are above 3% a new PSU is worth considering. You also might want to do a good inspection for bulging or leaking caps.

What component values am I looking at? It shows 12v readings for cpu, memory, mb and the gpu.

How would I calculate the variation?

Right now the readings on the 12v are minimum 12.096 and the max is 12.192
which number do I subtract from? and how do I get the third 12v number that you divide by?

Sorry I am not good at this type of math, I do not know how to do this equation.

How do I find the target voltage?