Should i do single 680 or dual 680 sli

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Mar 1, 2007
hello folks,
i looking to get the 680 for my new built. just for gaming. I'm going to be paying on a flat screen samsung tv at 1080 x 1920 resolution, this tv also does 120 hertz if that mean anything. this machine will be move around to different tv monitors like my house and my shop and my basement, so it does stay at one fix location to one tv panel. but the resolution will be the same on all of them. and i'm just a casual gammer for the summer while i'm out of school. i will not be using it with multi monitor at all. just one tv every time all the time.

i don't mind spending the money for a good setup, but i don't want to waste my money it if it isn't going to be used. so from your experience should i go for two 680 in sli or should i just do one 680 and it would be enough. i want to max out all settings on the games i play with all the pretty eye candy stuff and the rendering to be fluid smooth as possible.

things i have cumulated already are asus maximus V gene z77, i7 2700k, and corsair vengeance 32gb ddr3 1600.
power supply haven't purchase yet, and to be determine according to either sli or single 680 setup.

Since the 680 just came out and is pretty far ahead of the curve, I'd probably just get one, with the intention of buying a second one later. It's hard to see why the prices on the 680 would drop any time in the immediate future--the only performance pressure I can foresee would be from nvidia itself (685 rumors?) or from double GPU setups like the 590/6990--so I don't see any price pressure. But still, prices do eventually drop as more options come out, and as long as you're sticking to 1920x1080, it's pretty hard to argue that you NEED a second card in many games. Will you see a meaningful performance increase? Yes, in some games, especially if your monitor can handle 120 Hz and if you are sensitive to FPS above 60 (varies by the...

If your serious about this ill offer you $300 for your 6970's.never owned one would like to see for myself how they are.If you got paypal and want to work something out let me know and pm me :)
Gee I don't know.

I would have to think about that.

They are good cards, never fooled with the voltage not even once. I had one 6 months and the other 4 months.
They never go above 75 degrees. They are definitely worth $200 a piece.

I would love to get the money together to go with a good Nvidia solution.

Those are great cards.

If I had it to do over again, I would have went with one 560Ti or 6970 and used the rest of that money on a Playstation Vita!
Funny thing is im not really seeing price reductions on any of the last gen nvidia cards.Ive been keeping an eye on the 560 ti 448 core for a while now and there still the same price as they were a few months ago.Maybe for the lack of gtx 680's out there,but those cards should be under $250 by now.
^yeah they should,

PS Vita is absolute worthless garbage, or any console for that matter

the 560tis in SLi are really nice,

I had 6870 crossfire and it was absolutely terrible bc of micro-stuttering and poor drivers.. single card was fine but personally I am done with AMD dual card setups


I love my Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS and believe me when I tell you I can afford the best.

PC gaming is my one true love, but consoles are most definitely NOT garbage.

i love my ps3, i got one a few months after its release and paid almost $800 for it with an hdmi cable and an extra controller from best buy. i used it for five years or so and i hardly play that much games on it when i'm in school and during busy work seasons. it spend most of its time sitting on a glass table collecting dust and look pretty. then one day it decided to give me the weird flashing light and don't want to come on anymore, so i did a few youtube and decided tear it apart and waive the heat gun around it for a few minutes and got it to work again for a few weeks and the weird flashing light came back again but in a different color, and i did the heat gun thing again and got it to work but without any picture. i gave up and retired the brick in a cardboard box in the closet. perhaps one of these days it will make its way to the trash.
me and my wife enjoy sharing our time together playing with it over the years, so we can't bear to see it go. though, i wouldn't do it again.
what an unreliable piece of technology.

if anybody have a reliable source to show me how to fix this thing i would appreciate it very much. in the meanwhile i'll just stick to the less proprietary stuff.
I like the consoles because it fills the gap of the games i cant get on PC.Lets see has anyone ever played Demons or Dark souls?I really think the PC could benefit from making games like that.Im also a huge jrpg fan even though the genre has sucked for years but every once in a while they make a good one.

ok their not garbage, just not something Im personally willing to spend money on. I loved my xbox360 but it got a rrod and I never bought a new one.

Almost failed college bc of Halo 3, trust me when I say I give consoles their respect but anymore they are just not my bag
hi folks,
i was just thinking, since i'm waiting for a video card to finish my game box project.
i only have a little over a grand to spend on video cards, and i like good one that will last me a while. i read up on the newer 690 video card that is about to be release, based on critics prediction that the card "might" be able to catch up with two 680 sli, and that have me thinking if i'm going to spend a little over a grand for video cards, i might as well get something that is "better". like two 680 for example, since a single 690 could underperform the two 680 sli anyway. and also i was thinking two 680 is easier to sell individually than a single 690, yes?

also, i thought that the 690 would get rid of the sli ordeal, since the cpus are on a single card. but yet the sli is still there, just in a single package, for almost the same price. so what's the point, if i'm going to have to deal with sli, i might as well just get two 680 for almost the same price that will be even better.
this is just from my perspective since i only have so much to spend in my budget. either two 680 or a single 690. my main board can only take two video cards by the way. maximus v gene.

i know some people can use four of these 690 in sli and shoot for highest 3d mark numbers, but i just want to have some refreshing gaming experience, that's all.

anyway, i'm just taking a break from studying, and thought about this.
well, it's sad that's it has to be judge for it's smoothness. sli and frossfire is a great idea to link discrete video cards together, but i feel that shouldn't have to be on a single card setup. it shouldn't even be considered on a single card.

Fair enough bro.

I will say this...

I love consoles - not as much as PC - quite a bit, and while I would never agree that they are garbage, I will say that they can be disappointing.

I just read that the Xbox 720 is going to have a GPU based on the 6670 architecture. It is being billed as something "great", seeing as how it is "6 times more powerful than the Xbox 360".

My current rig will smash it to pieces, and it is already a year old. I mean, the 720 won't come close.

THAT is disappointing. But then again, console gaming isn't really about tech.
hi guys, i'm back again.
i've found this thread through a search and reading through some reviews on newegg.
it discuss some issues about stuttering and micro artifacts. has this been resolved or something you guys still have to live with.
it also mention about the driver not supporting older games and that video card (680) will not use it fullest potential when playing older games. is this also true? well that certainly sucks because i have a lot of old games i like to play with. games with directx 8 and 9.

so is it true or these peoples just got a bad setup?

by the way, i just got the 680 signature over clock with the backplate package. i'm going play around with just one for now, i'll get another one later. but if i get stuttering, it's not worth investing double price.