Should I get a GTX 1070? And from which brand? Upgrading from 650 Ti


Jul 20, 2016
So, I have a few questions. I am currently running a GTX 650 Ti (EVGA brand), and I am wanting to upgrade. What would be the best card for me? I am currently leaning towards the GTX 1070, but I am open to suggestion. My budget is around 500 Dollars. If I am to buy the card, should I get it from EVGA, or some other brand? One last question, are there any other upgrades that would be good for my PC?

Link for what I'm leaning towards:

Thanks for reading

My current specs are:

PSU: EVGA 600w

CPU: Intel core i3 4130 (3.4 ghz)

Mobo: Biostar b85s3+

Ram: 8gb (1 stick)


HDD: (2) WD 1 tb (black and blue)

Doesn't really matter too much, different brands will have slightly different clock speeds and obviously different coolers, but I can't imagine that a 1050 Ti will run that hot anyway. Just get whatever is the best deal/has a solid warranty.

since you cant overclock cpu's with your motherboard you are going to need an i7 ( the 4770, and 4790 are compatible with your motherboard ) if you want to properly use that 1070

your i3 is not good enough

Thanks for the reply. Would a 970 be better if I didn't upgrade the CPU, or should I go all in and upgrade the CPU and get a better card?


gtx 1060 with an i5

is what you should be looking into, the 970 is obsolete unless you can get it for less than $150

Thanks for replying. One more question: Would it be a considerable upgrade from the 650 Ti?


pretty noticeable yes
Doesn't really matter too much, different brands will have slightly different clock speeds and obviously different coolers, but I can't imagine that a 1050 Ti will run that hot anyway. Just get whatever is the best deal/has a solid warranty.