Should I get a single 8GB RAM in case I get another 8GB in the future OR buy x2 4GB RAM sticks?

May 29, 2018
2x 4GB (I will have to buy 2x 8GB in the future for 16GB)
1x 8GB (i will have to buy another 8GB for 16GB of RAM)

Will 2x 4GB have much better performance?

(Not sure if sm has written a thread similar to mine)
Note that I might get another 8GB

I want to get 2x4 gb of ram but if I do so it will be harder for me to get 16 gb of ram since I will need to buy 2x8gb of ram and 2x 4gb of ram will go to waste While if I get a 8gb of ram stick, I will be able to use it in the furure in order to have 16 gb of ram and wont go to waste
But then again 2x4 gb will perform better than a single 8gb stick
So what do you recommend
(Im new)
Question from cantthinkofanickname : "Should I get a single 8GB RAM in case I get another 8GB in the future OR buy x2 4GB RAM sticks?"


Bad idea going with 1 stick of ram.

If you get another 8GB stick it might not work.

Better to get a dual channel kit now.