Question Should i get dual graphics card or sell old one and get 1 good one?

Mar 21, 2019
I have a 7850k Apu and RX 550 graphics card. I have disabled the onboard graphics. My computer is getting sluggish, but i dont want to get a new Cpu because i would have to get a whole new setup with mobo, ram. Should i get another Rx 550 ($90) and run two of them OR Sell the Rx 550 ($50) and get a new Gpu for around $140 ? Also , is running dual graphics just plug and play? Thanks

*edit, i play occasional games but not high end games, this is just for general browsing, netflix, youtube etc.
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I agree with the previous posts, with the lower Radeon cards especially. Typically cheaper cards do not have a good performance per dollar figure compared to mid grade cards. For future reference however, I will tell you what I did. In my recent build, I was able to source two GTX 1070's for $200 each. They combine to give roughly the same performance as a GTX 1080ti, but know that they are not always plug and play. With more parts come more opportunity for something to go wrong, and I definitely have had trouble in the past. Also, keep in mind that performance does not double, rather improvement will vary per game.
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The RX550 does not support crossfire (dual cards), even if it did support for crossfire is dying. However what are you trying to achieve? Your cpu is well below the minimum recommended for most modern AAA games but the 550 is ok if you run low settings. A gpu upgrade will let you run higher graphics settings but your FPS may not increase much or at all due to cpu limitations.
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The RX550 does not support crossfire (dual cards), even if it did support for crossfire is dying. However what are you trying to achieve? Your cpu is well below the minimum recommended for most modern AAA games but the 550 is ok if you run low settings. A gpu upgrade will let you run higher graphics settings but your FPS may not increase much or at all due to cpu limitations.
Thanks, I play occasional older games but this is just for general surfing, youtube, netflix etc.