Should I go back to Windows 7

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Apr 7, 2018
Hello there, I'm new here, And I'm just wondering If I could go back to windows 7, As I'm a Windows 10 User, Because In Windows 10, I'm countering a lot of problems such as(system crashing, directx 9 doesn't work with w10,and much more), And because Windows 10 is still in development, So I'm confused, Could anyone help me ?

1. Win 10 is not "still in development"

2. Win 7 runs out of support soon

3. What hardware do you have? Win 7 might not be an option.

4. Your crashes, etc may just be a bad or corrupt install. Where did your Win 10 come from?

Well then....

1. The above bolded almost certainly your issue.
2. Tom's Hardware does not support or assist with pirated software.
Install a valid legal OS, and come back if your problem still exists.

Closing this.
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