Should I sell my 7950 towards 770 or 780


May 4, 2012
I planned on crossfiring my 7950 but in recent months all of them have sold out. I guess due to the bitcoin craze. Should I just get a 770 or is the extra money worth the performance for the 780. I would probably get around $300 for it since it is a XFX overclock edition card wiith a transferable warranty.
for 1080p gaming the 280x will be a great performing card for a few years at least. The 290 is a faster card by any measure and now the non reference coolers are starting to roll out. If you want to spend the cash I'd recommend it as it is that much more future proof for 1080p and if you feel like kicking up your display a notch it will handle that just fine. If you do get the 290, DO NOT GET A REFERENCE COOLER. Make sure it is an asus, gigabyte, msi or sapphire cooler on there as the stock one will not cool the card enough.
AMD hasn't released a revised version of the 7950 yet or has mentioned any plans to do so. I doubt you would get $300 since that's around brand new 280x territory. Think of it this way, if you can sell it for around $200, even $150, then buy a 290, that means you get that card for around $200, which is how much you would spend to buy a card to xfire anyways.

I got offers for $250 you think I should take that. I put my add at $300
I'd say that's a pretty good price considering the 280x, which is a 7970 GHZ, launched at $300. But with how much amd cards are bought out right now maybe you could try to squeeze a little more out of the guy, but $250 ain't bad. I wouldn't beat myself up if I took that offer.

I see you have the 280x. Would you recommend it over the 290

for 1080p gaming the 280x will be a great performing card for a few years at least. The 290 is a faster card by any measure and now the non reference coolers are starting to roll out. If you want to spend the cash I'd recommend it as it is that much more future proof for 1080p and if you feel like kicking up your display a notch it will handle that just fine. If you do get the 290, DO NOT GET A REFERENCE COOLER. Make sure it is an asus, gigabyte, msi or sapphire cooler on there as the stock one will not cool the card enough.
I suggest you sell it and get the 780 if you're gaming at 1080p and the 780ti for 1440p however it depends on the games you're playing.

what games do you play?

I just upgraded to a 780 ti from a 780, i speaking from experience however i play games like metro ll, BF4, Crysis 3
Assassins creed black flag which need a lot of gpu power.

Your 7950 is in demand because of Mining.


The gtx 780 will give you a great experience with those games... I had the gtx 670 before upgrading to a gtx 780 in may of 2013 and I was very happy with the extra performance from the gtx 780.

I don't suggest cross fire because of micro stuttering and configuration problems associated with crossfire .
You will also have to buy a high end power supply and the cards will use lots of power and produce lots of heat.
I think I am going to go with a 280x or 770. Those seem like good cards with similar performance. With the money saved not buying a 290 or gtx 780 I could get a full tower case which I need. A couple months down the road if I have extra money I could crossfire or sli. Thanks guys for the responses. Happy Holidays
When playing bf3 at 1440p on multiplayer with adaptive V sync my frame rate would usually stay at 60 fps however when playing the campaign mode the frame rate would dip to the high forties and fifties in demanding scenarios.

When playing bf3 i remember getting 60 fps with adaptive V sync to avoid tearing however the odd time it would dip in the high fifties...
My gtx 670 also did well in bf3 and your 280x should preform slightly better than the 670.

Remember your 280x is almost the same as a 7970 ghz edition which is a great card I've seen it in action however even though the gtx 780 will deliver approximately 10-15 more fps in 1080 without overclocking depending on your test rig the gtx 780 provide much more fluid gameplay than the gtx 670 or 280x in 1080p in my opinion, frame rate isn't everything.

I never played bf4 with my 780 however with my 780 ti i get 60-80 fps on mutiplayer mode on ultra adaptive sync turned off. On the campaign mode my frame rate is not as good however I don't play it much. The results are based on the 1440p resolution.

The 280x is not that much of a jump from a 7950, the architecture is quite similar and the price is around $400 + because of mining.

The gtx 770 will give similar performance for $50 dollars less however the gtx 770 is a overclocked and refined gtx 680 and the basic 680 wasn't a big jump from a 670 in terms of architecture and gameplay.

which variant of the 280x do you own?