Question Should I set my mobo to intel stock limits for 13th gen i7?

Jul 11, 2023
Been reading a lot about how mobo stock settings are bad for intel 13/14 gen. I picked up a 13700k and it being a beefy chip im wondering if I should set everything power related to intel’s stock settings on my z790 Tomahawk. I honestly don’t know how to do that since ive never dabbled in OC in BIOS. Is this worth it and what is a good guide to change ALL the settings to intels recommended limits.


Jun 9, 2021
It's kind of an emergency fix, in a time when these parts are being returned by the thousands, under warranty, in a single country. It would help your processor live past its warrantied lifespan.

Otherwise, there's no reason not to do it, as long as it won't reduce performace intolerably for your use case. Other benefits might include less noise, less heat, and reduced power bill from the computer itself and the A/C. There's a certain sang-froid in not living fast and dying young.

Me, I underclocked and undervolted mine, after I realized that the upper 30% of the power envelope might impact at most 15% in raw benchmarked processor performance, and even less in my typical usage scenario.
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Some motherboard bios will have a selection such as "load optimized settings"
Such may load settings that boost power to the max.
Or, such settings merely load reasonable stock defaults.

I would try to run with default stock settings.
That ship is so strong that you really don't need to overclock anything.