Should I upgrade from R9 280x cf to a 980ti?


Sep 24, 2015
I currently have 2 R9 280x is in crossfire and i am really thinking about getting 980 ti. The reason I want to upgrade I want more fps and I am tired of scaling issues(I am still debating between 144hz 1440p monitor or 4k). I used to have 4 way crossfire but I sold 2 280x already. I really dont want to spend more than 1000 on gpu. I am almost tempted to get 2 R9 390x aahhh but the scaling. The rest of my rig is a 4770k, asus maximus vi extreme, 8gb ddr3 2133mhz, and a antec 1300w platinum psu(I used 2 to power all four cards originally lol) Any input would be a appreciated is it worth upgrading or should I wait for something better to come along?
It's important to remember that ARK is still in early access, so I wouldn't expect anything. A GTX 980 Ti should monster anything at 1920x1080 60hz, assuming the game has at least half-decent optimisation. If you do upgrade the monitor then a single card may begin to struggle.

Although the GTX 980 Ti may see a price drop when Pascal is released, I wouldn't expect much of one. I also wouldn't be surprised if Nvidia only offered HBM on its top-tier GPUs, just like AMD.

It's a tricky one, but I would wait and see what Pascal has to offer.
I've heard about new architectures coming out next year, so maybe there will be a slight price dropdown, so you could take advante of it and buy 980ti.

I would upgrade since, as you say, you'll have no problem with the scalling and the power consumption is a huge factor. I wouldn't go for the 2xR9 390.


Right now I am at 1080p 60hz but even with my setup newer games like Ark will not get close to 60 fps even at medium settings. I don't even think ark supports crossfire until it supports direct x 12. Nvidia's Pascal architecture does seem pretty promising though. I kind of do want to get away from amd. I used to have 2 gtx 680's and I swear I had so much less micro stutter than my 280x's. I'm leaning towards getting a gtx980 ti and waiting till pascal comes out and the price drops to grab another. Just what bothers me is that Nvidia is claiming 10x performance vs maxwell. I find that hard to believe in real world performace. When I was running 4 280x's I was getting 23000 on 3dmark 2013 but real world the cards would hit 90c after a few minutes and turn my room into a oven.


And that right there is why you don't buy AMD graphics. Also there's the power consumption. Maybe NVIDIA is a little bit more expensive but, imo, it's worth it, since you'll end up expending more on AMD because of the power consumption and all the stress you get from seeing your GPUs heating up like a firepit.
It's important to remember that ARK is still in early access, so I wouldn't expect anything. A GTX 980 Ti should monster anything at 1920x1080 60hz, assuming the game has at least half-decent optimisation. If you do upgrade the monitor then a single card may begin to struggle.

Although the GTX 980 Ti may see a price drop when Pascal is released, I wouldn't expect much of one. I also wouldn't be surprised if Nvidia only offered HBM on its top-tier GPUs, just like AMD.

It's a tricky one, but I would wait and see what Pascal has to offer.
You're asking if you'll see a FPS increase if you upgrade from two R9 280x cf to a single 980ti. I don't know, however I have a great suggestion. Simply purchase the GTX 980 Ti of your choice from They have a non-hassle return policy. I've returned things as late as one month after purchase. Buy the 980 Ti and see if it noticeably increases your FPS. If it does, keep the 980 Ti and sell the 280X's. If it doesn't then simply return the 980 Ti. Obviously keep all the packaging.