Should I use 3 Sticks of RAM or sell the third?


Jan 11, 2015
Since RAM is at an all-time low, I wanted to get another 8GB to add to my current 8GB (single channel) stick. However there were no 1866MHz sticks of the brand I already have for less than $70, and getting 2 sticks was $100 so it was a no-brainer. But I don't really need 24 GB right now.

Yes, I know there is a hype about the advantages of Dual Channel. So Should I stick with 16GB RAM, or have 24 GB with one of the sticks in single channel?

The main deterring factor to me would be if my system is SLOWED down from its current performance with this extra stick in there. I'm already in single channel, so would all of this simply improve performance? Or does the third need to go?
There's an average of ~10% increase in performance with dual channel over single channel. If you need the performance more than the volume, stay with a single matched pair. Some boards (most?) will default to single channel if it sees an odd number of sticks.
There's an average of ~10% increase in performance with dual channel over single channel. If you need the performance more than the volume, stay with a single matched pair. Some boards (most?) will default to single channel if it sees an odd number of sticks.
Unless you are running massive databases, you will have no need for 24GB of memory.

I have 16gb, and only very rarely do I use more than 8GB. And when I do, its not even the full 9GB.

So sell the extra stick, and use the two new sticks in alternate slots so the memory controller can kick into dual channel mode.
If your MoBo is dual channel, the system will perform optimally if RAM is installed in pairs. 2 x 4GB outperforms 1 x 8GB, it's not a huge advantage but it's not hype....

2 sticks in dual channel would improve performance, the 3rd is up in the air.

1. You'd have to have something that actually uses more than 16 GB
2. You may need to increase voltage, reduce timings or drop your CPU OC due to a) the extra load on the memory controller and b) mixing and matching RAM from different packages.
I'm not much of a hardcore gamer as you can tell from my specs. I love everything smooth on a 1080P monitor, nothing more. But I figure as MarkW points out he hardly hits 9GB with his system. With Grand Theft Auto V I noticed I maxed out the RAM, so I figured it's a great time to upgrade to 16GB and I'll be upgrading for about $50 after selling one of my sticks.

Thanks everyone for the answers. out