Question Should I wait for Renoir APUs?


Oct 1, 2019
Hello everyone

I have a very old computer (Intel core2duo6500,2gb of ram,and geforce405) and i am thinking about an upgrade.I don't use it for games but even Google drive or Facebook is starting to struggle,plus i have windows 10 which eats my ram.
I wanted to ask you guys if you think i should wait for the renoir apus or to get one that is already out.My choices are between 2400g or 3200g and 8gb 3000 ddr 4.I haven't played a new game since 2006 so either one has great graphics for me,but i want to get one mainly for office purposes and Multitasking-especially this.Maybe some light audio and video processing because i wanted to learn about it,but thats about it.As for gaming i will play some games but since any game since 2006 is in fact new for me its not really the main point,but the more the better as the saying goes.
Do you think the increase in performance going from 12 nm to 7nm is worth the wait?Will the speed of the processor be significantly greater or the graphics?(There was talk of Navi graphics for example).And when do you think they will come out?It would be very important if the performance would be much higher because i will probably wait a long time again before i upgrade so any boost in cpu and igpu matters for me for that reason.
Also which is better for my purposes 3200g or 2400g?-they are about the same price where i live.

Thank you.
As it stands now, I would probably lean towards the 2400G for the extra threads for the content creation aspect you mention. Also good for multitasking, but some will benefit from more RAM.

Undoubtedly a Zen 2 core and Navi for an APU is a very attractive option, but it's your decision as to how long you're willing to wait (and also put up with your current level of performance).
That 2GB of RAM is likely the greatest impediment to your system's performance by far, can hardly do anything without hitting the swapfile hard. If upgrading to 8GB is an option and you can find DIMMs for cheap, that may be worth a shot - I have a C2D E8400/8GB in my living room and it still does everything I need it to do (mostly web browsing and video streaming) fine.

Otherwise, anything current (2018 and up) with at least 8GB of RAM is going to be a huge upgrade all-around.
2400g, not much point to wait for Renoir since the release is still at least 3 months away (likely longer)
And according to rumors will have the same Vega 11 gpu as the 2400g, though much higher clocked due to 7nm.
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If you wait for the next best thing, you will wait forever.
Since you need an upgrade, buy now.

The big advantage of the ryzen apu products is the excellent integrated graphics and many threads.
Neither of which seems very necessary for you.

As an upgrade, the first thing to buy is a ssd.
It makes everything so much quicker, regardless of the processor.
240gb should be minimum. Intel 660P is excellent and low priced, even at 500gb or 1tb.

On ram, you might get by with a 2 x 4gb kit which will seem like a big upgrade.
But, ram needs to be matched so if you might ever want 16gb, buy a 2 x 8gb kit now.

Your current core 2 duo 6500 has two threads and a passmark benchmark rating of 1285 with a single thread rating of 812
The total rating applies when all threads are 100% utilized.
That rarely occurs except for multi threaded enabled apps like rendering.
The single thread performance is more applicable to desktop work.
passmark is a decent way to compare prospective processors.
The underlying 7/10/14mm manufacturing process is not a good way to evaluate components.

I do not know prices where you live.
But take a look at the Intel processors like the G5600 with 4 threads and a rating of5570/2237.
It includes integrated graphics sufficiently strong for HD movie playback and some games.
If, in the future you play fast action games, then you can always add a discrete graphics card.
As many other said already, If I were to choose, the Ryzen 5 2400G is the best bet.

4 cores 8 threads + a decent integrated GPU is the best choice of those you mention.

I will also go with 2x8GB of DDR4 3000/3200 (dual channel setup), to avoid memory issues with low end chipset, like A320 or B450 (I would chose a B450 for better and future compatibility), I will try and get a designed for AMD kit, for example: flarex&cm_re=gskill_flarex--20-232-767--Product

The same memory could be used later on if you want to update to the new Renoir-zen2+navi APUs (3200MHz kit if you think updating in the future is an option)

Ram marked as for AMD, or for Intel, is just marketing. At the end of the day, it is the motherboard, that determines how well ram works, with the system. This would be a vast improvement, over your current platform.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($129.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($74.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($73.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $278.86
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-10-01 11:32 EDT-0400
Ram marked as for AMD, or for Intel, is just marketing. At the end of the day, it is the motherboard, that determines how well ram works, with the system. This would be a vast improvement, over your current platform.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($129.89 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: ASRock B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($74.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($73.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $278.86
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-10-01 11:32 EDT-0400

Well, in many cases it may not be important, but from the tests and articles Ive read and see it does seems to be way easier to use with Ryzen, specially with zen and zen+ chips. Ryzen 3xxx is fine.

In any case your memory suggestion is only 1 buck away from mine lol.
Thank you all for your replies.
I know that my ram is a limiting factor.Right now i have 2 2gb sticks in of ddr3 1333 mhz,but my motherboard only sees 2gb of those 4,so i dont know if i want to buy another round of ram just to see if it works or not.Maybe i will sell these for 15 dollars and buy some 30 dollars worth of ram(second hand,until i upgrade).Plus my motherboard is so old it has 2 slots of ddr3 and 2 slots of ddr2 and the maximum limit of my motherboard is 8gb anyway.I was thinking i might buy a stick of 8gb ddr 4 or 4 for when i upgrade later with the renoir but idk if one slot of my motherboard will see all of it,i just don't know.
Geofelt,indeed this is the one thing i did buy,a a400 kingston ssd,which did improve my experience greatly-even here my motherboard only sees sata 1 or 2 i dont really remember,so i don't get the full benefits off that ssd but its still much better than my hdd.And the intel processor you specified is at the same price as a 2400g,and i would rather get one of those,it seems to be better,even if you are right in the single core performance they seem to be about the same.
LogainofHades are Gskill a trustworthy brand?I have been out of this realm for so long i only know kingston,corsair,zeppelin.I see in my country big sellers are also adata,gskill,hyperx,and patriot.Are these good brands?Because the price is good.
As for what i will do i dont know,i know i will absolutely need this new computer next year in september because i might be a teacher then and i will want to have a good experience with a computer so i will upgrade then for sure if i pass my exams.But until then i am prepared to dig deep and wait,because i dont need it absolutely right now.
Thank you again for all your responses :)
Sorry to interrupt, but going with a Pentium G5600 with only 2 cores and 4 threads for the same money that you could get a 4 cores 8 threads CPU just doesn't make sense. Also the integrated GPU in the AMD chip is way better for light gaming of what that pentium offers.

Yes of course the G5600 will be enough for today, and maybe next few years, but future wise, for the same money, and for more performance, more cores/threads is the way to go.

In all honestly I don't see the point of getting a pentium, with less cores and threads and a worst GPU for the same money, unless youre afraid or really don't like AMD.

But then again, is your choice.
Could be a RAM slot issue. Tried reseating it?

Also, DDR4 RAM won't be compatible with your motherboard. Stick to the DDR2 and DDR3 as you've stated.

As a teacher... there is the case to be made for getting a laptop.

I will try that,you are saying maybe one of them isnt seen yes,and i am running on one stick only,because it isnt coupled well?
As for the laptop yes i thought about it,but the performance out of the desktop seems to be bigger-so it will last more years- and most of what i would need to do with a laptop at least here where i live i could probably do with a phone,if not all.And most of the schools here if they have a projector in the classroom they also have a computer to go with it and if they dont have a computer then they dont have a projector.But i have thought about it-i would get a very low end laptop for that because if i need to do something at the school with it,it wouldnt be something very demanding.So i could just get both a desktop and a laptop.
Sorry to interrupt, but going with a Pentium G5600 with only 2 cores and 4 threads for the same money that you could get a 4 cores 8 threads CPU just doesn't make sense. Also the integrated GPU in the AMD chip is way better for light gaming of what that pentium offers.

Yes of course the G5600 will be enough for today, and maybe next few years, but future wise, for the same money, and for more performance, more cores/threads is the way to go.

In all honestly I don't see the point of getting a pentium, with less cores and threads and a worst GPU for the same money, unless youre afraid or really don't like AMD.

But then again, is your choice.

You are right,i was talking about the 2400g that if they are the same price i would rather get one of those-meaning the ryzen cpu not the intel,i phrased it wrong,sorry.
I know that my ram is a limiting factor.Right now i have 2 2gb sticks in of ddr3 1333 mhz,but my motherboard only sees 2gb of those 4,so i dont know if i want to buy another round of ram just to see if it works or not.
First, you'd want to find out if you have a board/CPU issue or a DIMM issue. Remove one DIMM, see if the PC boots. If it does, move the DIMM to the other slot and see if it still works. If it works in both cases, then both slots are functional. If it only works on one slot, it could be that the board isn't wired or the BIOS isn't written to recognize populated slots out of order. Repeat the test with the other DIMM and if you get identical results, then the DIMMs are probably fine. Try both DIMMs again and if that does not work, try swapping positions just in case. If one of the slot never worked in any of these configuration, you either have a bad board/CPU or the board has compatibility issues with your DIMMs and can't handle more than one for some reason.

Are they identical DIMMs originally sold as a kit? Mixing DIMMs increases the likelihood of running into weirdness.
First, you'd want to find out if you have a board/CPU issue or a DIMM issue. Remove one DIMM, see if the PC boots. If it does, move the DIMM to the other slot and see if it still works. If it works in both cases, then both slots are functional. If it only works on one slot, it could be that the board isn't wired or the BIOS isn't written to recognize populated slots out of order. Repeat the test with the other DIMM and if you get identical results, then the DIMMs are probably fine. Try both DIMMs again and if that does not work, try swapping positions just in case. If one of the slot never worked in any of these configuration, you either have a bad board/CPU or the board has compatibility issues with your DIMMs and can't handle more than one for some reason.

Are they identical DIMMs originally sold as a kit? Mixing DIMMs increases the likelihood of running into weirdness.

yes, identical.I will try to see if one isnt working-i fear inserting ram because i fear i will break my board,it goes in not easily.
Also my board is limited to 1066 while the ram is 1333,i don't know if that matters.
When i had my ddr2 i had 2x1gb and they both worked
I have used Gskill, off and on, since the Athlon 64 x2 days. They have some of the best kits, out on the market. Only reason I am not using it, right now, is I got a good deal on some Patriot 3733, for my R7 3700x, Gigabyte x570 itx build. I started out with same exact gskill kit, that I listed. It is now sitting in an R5 1600, Asrock B450 ITX build, that I have put together, for my sister in law's kids. It works perfectly fine. The only times, that I have not used Gskill, since my Athlon 64 x2 build, is because I had a too good to pass up deal, on something else. 1st was a corsair kit, and the second was my current patriot kit. I would definitely not consider any pentium CPU. Those are quite inferior, in any remotely modern scenario.
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I have used Gskill, off and on, since the Athlon 64 x2 days. They have some of the best kits, out on the market. Only reason I am not using it, right now, is I got a good deal on some Patriot 3733, for my R7 3700x, Gigabyte x570 itx build. I started out with same exact gskill kit, that I listed. It is now sitting in an R5 1600, Asrock B450 ITX build, that I have put together, for my sister in law's kids. It works perfectly fine. The only times, that I have not used Gskill, since my Athlon 64 x2 build, is because I had a too good to pass up deal, on something else. 1st was a corsair kit, and the second was my current patriot kit. I would definitely not consider any pentium CPU. Those are quite inferior, in any remotely modern scenario.

Thank you for your response.I looked them up,and they are more expensive than the us,and amazon delivers here(Romania) only some items,and even then transport charges can be quite high-enough to make it unprofitable.I see where i live trident gskill are less expensive.Are they better than ripjaws or worse?
Edit:im sorry i made a mistake,its the other way around ripjaws are cheaper.But in any case,to be quite honest i will probably see what deals are in that period involving ram and probably just go for one of those.
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