wanamingo :
Hmm in understand the pros and cons of this system but we dont really need an indirect election anymore. We have the tech to give every single person a vote. Whats more equal than every person getting to say who they believe is the best leader?
The big case is Bush V Gore. More people voted for Gore but Bush won..... Just from the surface of that it seems to be taking voices away from the people. Doesnt this process also discourage multiparty systems, Dem and Repub are the only parties who would ever win elections or garner any kind of support. Literally millions of people all over the country could vote for a candidate but if enough in one area dont then that candidate gets no electoral votes and the wishes of those people arent heard.
Interesting stuff. At its core it really comes down to a direct or an indirect election. Im curious to see how the french elections are going to play out....
In the end, the most local, or closest government governs best.
They know the woods, the mountains, the lakes, the particular environment, the people near them, amd their needs and desires.
The larger you make it, the further their reach, the less effective it becomes, and our forefathers knew this, as the bickering started as to who should call the shots, at that time.
It is important that states have certain abilities in the larger picture, its essential as a matter of fact.
In the overall picture, eliminating EC would weaken states rights and abilities even further.
I understand the argument, and until Id seen time and again failings by larger entities of government as opposed to the willingness of the local one actually making applications where and how, so theyd be done correctly for the people there, and to see it over ridden, then later, redone the way it should be done anyways, is wasteful and dangerous.
Anything that simple, that promises an easy solution, well, if it sounds too good to be real, it probably isnt real.
So, even tho some are smarting from an EC scenario, I would have liked to have Gore there on 911, as then terrorism would have been a liberal problem, with liberal solutions.
Im guessing things would have been done exactly the way theyve been done, but the MSM would be behind it, Gore would then be responsible, and wed all be closer on certain issues.
But, being as it may, certain peoples have gone out of their way to create divisions at a time when this country needs to be united more than ever