While on the surface these working conditions sound appalling, as someone who has traveled to the Far East including China, such working conditions are common. Apple isn't necessarily to blame any more than any other company which exploits cheap labor abroad. By taking the long view, however, one should understand that as the standard of living continues to rise in such countries, so too will the rule-sets that apply to their societies. Just as our own country's labor force has gone through transitions, so too will those of China.
About two decades ago, Beijing's popular mode of transportation was bicycles. Today cars are becoming more commonplace. This is the normal evolution of emerging economies.
Pay is low, because the cost of living is also low. When labor rates begin to "parity" ours, expect [our] prices to quintuple, if not more. Then we will be reading articles about the high the cost of consumer products and people will then complain about that.