Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I could only find a post in regards to low volume for USB.
I was curious if anyone has had any issues with the digital optical output for the Siberia 800's. It seems when I have it plugged in via Digital optical I receive significantly reduced volume when compared with USB.
I have checked the audio settings on the headphones and it is maxed out and I have checked that it is maxed out on the PC as well.
This is my MOBO: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157746
Is the audio issue due to not having DTS/Dolby?
I am also unable to tell what direction noises are coming from - especially important in FPS games. Is there anything I can do to improve this? Soundcard, different headset, etc?
I am also confused as to whether a soundcard would improve performance of the Siberia 800's, as far as I am aware they essentially have a sound card built in for the digital optical so it shouldn't matter much for that correct?
I have a lot of experience with computer building and troubleshooting, but this is my first venture into working with anything Audio.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I could only find a post in regards to low volume for USB.
I was curious if anyone has had any issues with the digital optical output for the Siberia 800's. It seems when I have it plugged in via Digital optical I receive significantly reduced volume when compared with USB.
I have checked the audio settings on the headphones and it is maxed out and I have checked that it is maxed out on the PC as well.
This is my MOBO: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157746
Is the audio issue due to not having DTS/Dolby?
I am also unable to tell what direction noises are coming from - especially important in FPS games. Is there anything I can do to improve this? Soundcard, different headset, etc?
I am also confused as to whether a soundcard would improve performance of the Siberia 800's, as far as I am aware they essentially have a sound card built in for the digital optical so it shouldn't matter much for that correct?
I have a lot of experience with computer building and troubleshooting, but this is my first venture into working with anything Audio.