I think this was a great article. The main thing with this build was the noise. And low noise equals low heat. Personally I would have gone with a 55w core i5 or at least a 35w i3 and a passively cooled 7770 by sapphire, as this would have been a far more capable gaming/general computing machine, especially with the i5 quad core part. And you can't tell me that CPU cooler can't cool a 55w i5 if it can cool a 65w AMD APU. I don't even think you'd need a fan with the i5 and 7770.
I just think you could have built a far more powerful machine especially since money seemed to be no object in this article. I don't see a reason to go with the bear necessities as far as CPU/GPU are concerned with money being no object.
I liked the choice of case, SSD, cooler, MoBo, PSU, BluRay drive,(even though that model is 199.99, kinda expensive, don't you think?)IDK what RAM you used as you should have put some 1.35v Corsair, and you should have explained what RAM you did use. And I appreciated how much detail you had in this article too. It was very well thought out, and extremely professional, as I come to expect from Tom's. I also don't know why you used the 5400k instead of the 5500, as the 5500 is the better APU, especially on the GPU side of things. Maybe that would have been the perfect blend of performance and heat.