"Tackiness is subjective, so I'll give you that. Literally cannot find a single example of "unsafe" cases."
Have you done any research on the topic? I stated: Silverstone's timeline (no different than most other major brands)... From unique, innovative, competitive, & a rep for quality. To most of their current customers not even knowing what those things truly mean anymore. Nothing I said was meant as a dis toward Silverstone. I mentioned safety as it seems no one knows/cares about it anymore relative to computing. Be it consumer or industry. Heck, most ppl can't even be bothered to fully read an EULA before agreeing to something. Purple, just a couple weeks back, during a 2 week "prank", illustrated that point perfectly by getting over 22k people to sign its EULA despite it saying that users may have to commit to up to 1k hrs of (rather nasty) community service. Look it up. Purple said its just a prank, but it illustrates beyond a doubt the ignorance of some people is beyond astounding.
"Wait, so now the sins of the gaming industry is somehow on SilverStone?
The gaming industry in many areas still list the common health risks associated with their games for consoles & desktops in their manuals or websites even in 2017. Why should the component or case industry not be held to the same standard if their products potentially can add to said risk(s)?
Btw, I wasn't referring to "game addiction" (despite the sad reality of it) or other current computing safety concerns. I was thinking epilepsy & emf exposure. A mere decade or so ago, it was common knowledge to those in the industry. Today, having reached 5G wifi tech, arguing what was considered hazardous a decade or so ago in re to components is now moot may very well be correct. Though that doesn't mean we should ignore the existing hazards I mentioned, either.
Despite the price of tempered glass being moot here, just fyi, brushed, coated, or anodized aluminum are far sturdier, safer, lighter, & pricier. Going back to that decade or so ago, brand name quality system & case makers used metal cases for a reason other than looks or simple competition, which I tried to point out. Fwiw, before deciding to deconstruct points made in a post you can't identify with, at least take a cursory, (but honest & objective), look into whether there's any merit to what you're attempting to take to pieces.Just the same. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.