Skylake gaming motherboard under $200


Aug 10, 2015
I am upgrading from AMD CPU to Intel i5 6600k, but I can't choose a motherboard. I guess the only thing I require is the ability to handle 2 way SLI.

My setup also includes a Kraken x61 cooler, so a usb 2.0 port would be nice, but I know there are $4 adapters I can buy if need be. I'd like to be under $200, unless there is a really good reason to spend a bit more. Any help is appreciated.
Th best rated board in your price rage would be the G1 Gaming GA-Z170X-Gaming 7

Doesn't hurt that it's gorgeous.

Manufacturers have started dropping in cheap audio chipsets to make the pricing more attractive. If you see a "deal" that looks good, this is most likely the reason why it "appears" so. Asus is particularly guilty here, maintaining the price level from previous generations but dropping in budget level chipsets. Asus doesn't start using a quality audio solution until about the $160 - $170 price range.

Skip any "budget" board which does not offer ALC 1150 or better audio chipset. If used for gaming, you will be disappointed. ALC 892 is blah, and 887 is...

Normally, an asus Z170-A, but theres a fantastic deal at newegg for the Z170-E:

The E is basically and A with less features, but they are unimportant. And it does SLI.

I used the gigabyte gaming 5 in my build last black friday.... really found the bios to be easy and the board to be a good value, and it supports SLI - but not at full speed. See specs for details.
Th best rated board in your price rage would be the G1 Gaming GA-Z170X-Gaming 7

Doesn't hurt that it's gorgeous.

Manufacturers have started dropping in cheap audio chipsets to make the pricing more attractive. If you see a "deal" that looks good, this is most likely the reason why it "appears" so. Asus is particularly guilty here, maintaining the price level from previous generations but dropping in budget level chipsets. Asus doesn't start using a quality audio solution until about the $160 - $170 price range.

Skip any "budget" board which does not offer ALC 1150 or better audio chipset. If used for gaming, you will be disappointed. ALC 892 is blah, and 887 is worse,

If price is an issue, it' shard to do any better than the Gigabyte GA-Z170XP-SLI (Usually around $115) ... and yes it does come with the ALC 1150 audio chipset. MSI also has a comarable model

And of course as was said above in part, The Gaming 5 series from both MSI and Gigabyte are winners

I use a ASUS Z170-a. Asus is very user friendly with thier motherboard. Comes with great tools to auto OC, manage fans, see Temps ect. It has 2 mods EZ-Mode if you don't really know what your doing. And an Advanced mode if you do know. What I really like about it is that they have drivers that support 3.0 usb ports on Windows 7.

Edit: Has support for 2 way sli, and comes with an SLI Bridge as well.It is around $150 on

That is the problem, there are too friggen many to choose from :)


The difference in audio chipset is not worth an extra $50, IMHO. I would go with the board i suggested for under $100 and put every last penny saved towards a better GPU.

Please see edited post above. I had 'wife aggro" and wasn't finished when posted :)

As for the choices ....

If you were spending $275, it's easy... there's no motherboard that comes close to matching the MSU Z170 Titanium in its price range. Over 80% of board owners rate it with 5 eggs and just 3% gave it 1 egg

Ya wanna spend $199, the G1 Gaming 7 is a great board with great user reviews. It really stands out against other boards in its price range.

At $150ish, the two Gaming 5 boards from Gigabyte and MSI are great choices.... Both offer the ALC 1150 chip set.

At $120ish, MSI still offer a quality audio solution on their Gaming boards while for Asus you need to get up into the $160 range.

While I still have to give Asus a slight edge in the BIOS department, MSI has caught up. While not as pleasant on the eyes as Asus, they have all the features and utilities that Asus on the higher cost boards, MSIs built in overclocking is better. Gigabyte's BIOS may not be pretty and soetimes navigation is counter-intuitive but it gets the job down. You can accomplish everything you wnat, it just might take you a few more seconds to find it.