Skyrim Mod ideas?

Alex The PC Gamer

Oct 24, 2007
Hello TomsHardwarians,

I've been brainstorming ideas for Skyrim mods and then it dawned on me...why not ask "a community" what mods they would like to see.

So, I invite you to share your ideas.

Here are some of the ideas I came up with (but please share your own).

I'd like to create a mod that:

- Improves the first person view (something that shake more when you walk) -> I know of one mod that does this, it's buggy as hell.

- Improve performance in certain areas of Skyrim (i.e. cities). -> The problem with this is Bethesda is patching up the game and as they release patches, the mod becomes I'm not sure I want to invest the time/effort into this...but we'll see. The mod would also conflict with any "city enhancement mod" which is a big turn off.

Quests/Creating new material:
- Recreating an area from the ES: Oblivion -> I'm willing to try and recreate an area of any game and making a quest out of it. I need more ideas from you guys.

- My partner is looking for ideas in creating new weapons/armor/characters. -> i.e. he really liked The Witcher series so he might create items from that game (unless you guys can convince him of doing something else. For instance, he really likes the "Trish" armor mod. He might do something similar. Share your ideas.

I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas.


I would Love to see a new UI well more specifically ... a bit like bartender for WoW
Perhaps some simple button bars , utilising the quick menu system , 1-8 keybinds ... my memory sucks and ive resorted to writing down on a peice of paper above my keyboard ... 1 twin mele , 2 bow , 3 summon frost atronach , 4 fast heal ,
( so on so so on)

An on screen display showing some icons for this would be outstanding and a little bit of work to put together rellevent icons for all the spells but it would be amazing

I like it and should be relatively easy to do. I'm wondering how I would implement it though...

Idea 1 (Simple):
Hotkey or similar would bring up the "change your character" menu...but there's no point.

I wouldn't do a simple version. All you need to do is bring up the console and type: showracemenu
If you want to change the scale (height) of your character, simply type: player.setscale x.x (where 1 is default i.e. 0.9 would be smaller and 1.05 would be taller.

Idea 2 (Complexe):
- Create a Barber Shop: that would allow you to change your hair style & facial hair.
- Create a Surgeon Clinic: that would allow you to modify your face.
- Create a Science Lab: that would allow you to change race & sign

I just talked to my partner and he said he'd really like to see a mod that allowed you to Edit your follower...

...hmm. This could be good!

What else?
I would Love to see a new UI well more specifically ... a bit like bartender for WoW
Perhaps some simple button bars , utilising the quick menu system , 1-8 keybinds ... my memory sucks and ive resorted to writing down on a peice of paper above my keyboard ... 1 twin mele , 2 bow , 3 summon frost atronach , 4 fast heal ,
( so on so so on)

An on screen display showing some icons for this would be outstanding and a little bit of work to put together rellevent icons for all the spells but it would be amazing

Once again, I like it. To be honest, I've always wanted to recreate a Roman-like arena but i've always been discouraged by the amount of time it would take to create every object to make it up.

Thing is, in Skyrim, I don't think I'd have to create much objects (i'd simply borrow existing objects) from the this project could also become something pretty cool.

Idea 1 (Simple):
- Create an empty arena (either in the Skyrim world or similar.

Idea 2 (Complexe):
- Create an Roma-like arena (close to a city) and make it active (with NPC action) with potential option of fighting for money. I could even upgrade the mod at a later point where if you're in the stands, you'd be able to see a show (horse races, NPCs vs hords of wolfs/or other animals. You could make bets, etc.

- Create a quest: Create a "Fight Club" where the arena would be in a dungeon somewhere. Recreate a scenario to pick up fights (much like street like UFC).

I like it...

Anything else?

This mod would become a love/hate relationship. I've tried this in the past and found out that...

1 - Everyone wants their menu to be different (or at least something tweaked to their liking). This is the main reason why I wouldn't dive into this project.

2 - UI mods conflict with great existing mods. Whether it's a new intelligent UI, or a other mods like "Eating and Sleeping affects your character", it all conflicts between each other. Even certain spell mods interacts with the UI which in turn conflicts with pretty much all other UI mods.

Although I've never played WOW, I understand their UI is extremely complexe, which again, might turn off the new to/average Skyrim gamer.

In other words, I wouldn't touch that one with a 20 foot pole.

Thanks for replying though : )

Much like an "ink" system (such system was found in Guild Wars). So you blend 1 armor + 1 ink (whatever color) and boom, you've changed your armor color.

I'd have to check but ya, It's doable (i'm just not sure about coloring each item and wearing them seperatly).

What's required is retexturing loads and loads of Armor textures for all/most items in the game...which would require lots of time. The good news is that with Steam Workshop, I'd be able to update my progress as I go. I'll mention this to my partner (he's the one who's better suited in creating/modifying items in the game).

Idea 1 (Simple):
- Put all the armors in a chest (I'd put it somewhere easy/hard to get to). Take whatever you want.

Idea 2 (Complexe):
- Add/Create a smithing add-on that would allow you to add a color using existing items.

Sorry, to clarify what I meant.

I would have to recreate every armor and give it a tint of whatever color.

Giving a tint of whatever color = every armor would be in it's original shape. The "color" would be the retextured (which means, I have to grab the original "steel gray" looking texture, import it in something like Photoshop, give it a tint (red, or green, or whatever)...then reimport this texture as a new texture in my mod and apply this new texture back to the new armor...which would give me a completely new armor with i.e. a red tint). Repeat this Y times where:

Y = (amount of armor pieces)*(amount of armor types)*(amount of color)

So just for kicks...I'm going to estimate the amount of:
Armor Pieces = Boot, Body, Hands, about 4.
Armor Types = Hide, Steel, Iron, ...., etc. is about 15.
Color: White, Black, Blue, Red, Green,...etc. is about 10.

That means I'd have to create a total of 600 new Armor parts to let the user change their original armors to an 11 color tint (10 + 1 being the original texture).
Make that 1200 new parts if I wanted it to be compatible with both Vanilla and HD Textures. FML.

So...when I say this would take time...i wasn't kidding. It'd also be quite tedious...

To them (the player), they wouldn't know how this was achieved. Simply wear this "red" armor and you're good to go.

Creating a filter would actually be more work (programming it, debugging it, etc.) but it's advantage wouldn't be limited to the amount of colors I've retextured. It would also not require adding a list of new armors. That said, I would never commit to such a huge project (unless Bethesda literally paid me to do it), which is unlikely.

...and this is why several minds are better than one. A griffin (i.e. instead of a horse or simply a new creature) would be pretty awesome. In all honesty, I don't think i have the skills to pull that off (as in modelling this thing) but I'll talk to my partner. We'd also have to figure out how to ride this damn thing...

That said, once the "creature"'s been created, i think i'd be fairly easy to go from there.
The civil war quests are one of the best quests yet. Fighting along side an army is great fun. But after I've completed the quests, the game became quite boring for me.

I would download a mod that would enable you traitor your army and join the other one, e.g. traitor the stormcloaks and become an imperial. Then you would be able to liberate skyrim again and fight in even more wars.

You would also be able to recycle a lot of existing code, since this questline already exists, so it should'nt be that hard to make either.

Please let me know if such a mod already exists

Thank you


I'm not aware of any but your best bet is SkyrimNexus...

I no longer have time for mods (creating them) but there's still teams/modders that'll take requests on case-by-case basis.
Theres this really cool skyrim mod being developed by a group of modders. The mod adds a new city to Skyrim called Luftahraan, but the city isnt like your normal skyrim city, it's MASSIVE and more emmersive than any other city in Vanilla Skyrim.

The main part of the city consists of 2 large islands off the northern coast of Skyrim, but when you add the massive undercity, pirate island and farmland on the coast, this city is more than 3 times the size of whiterun.

The mod adds loads of new characters, quests, and gameplay to the game; the mod includes:
-2 large islands, an undercity, a pirate island, farmland and more
-3 new factions
-a lore-friendly mainquest
-a new player home
-many shops, houses and other buildings
-tons of new weapons and armor
-loads of quests
-an ARENA!!!!
-and much, much more!

This mod will take the cities of Skyrim to a whole new level of emmersion and is arguably as good as Dawnguard. But the mod needs publicity so SPREAD THE WORD. but remember, it is still in progress and will take between 1-3 months to finish.
for more information go to:
(the project's forums)
(a review of the mod-in-progress)
(the official introductory video to the mod-in-progress)