Skyrim, Portal 2 Big Winners at the 2011 VGAs

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Gamer God: Blizzard Entertainment

I disagree - their customer support is terrible, their consumer interaction is terrible and their taking their sweet time about releasing diablo 3 (last one is more of a personal annoyance).
What no BF3?? The game that shot up PC n hardware sales...and revived the PC gaming market single-handed. *sigh*
They could have just given the award to mw2....mw3 is the same anyway..more like 2010 awards..same old same old. Even the error msgs/exceptions it throws mention MW2 in it.

They gave this award solely on sales I guess.
MW3... best shooter...

The bar is officially lower than I thought it could ever be. To win best shooter you need; no innovation, recycled content, churned out titles, and a brain dead fanbase.

However, I am relieved that Skyrim won GOTY. It really is an amazing games. I'm close to 100 hours into the game, not anywhere near being done (although I have completed the main questline -- I still have 9483 quests and areas I have never seen) and am not the slightest bit bored of the game. Hell, I already have two other characters I want to level that will play the game in a totally different style.

I also find it funny that BF3 won a crapton of awards during prelaunch/tech events, but didn't win a damn thing after it was released! I love Battlefield, but EA/DICE really messed up trying to kill MW3.
These awards are nothing surprising. Every year the gamer community balks at what the mainstream corporate media picks for it's awards.
Best Graphics: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Best Shooter: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Ahahahahha. Most of the list is pretty good but these..... Oh man.
Ignoring the best of the consoles, I think the majority of PC gamers would likely disagree with every major category except perhaps game of the year and best RPG, Skyrim would have a realistic chance of winning both of those. This was clearly a result of a majority voting by console gamers. I'm not saying anything derogatory just pointing out that tastes seem to be very different. Something tells me oddly enough that console gamers heavily voted on best PC game too, as great as Portal 2 was... I don't think that would be the winner, I could be wrong.

Anyway, I would like to know what the award for "Gamer God" is? It seems like a rather pointless award that is there just to promote them. If this is a award for past works, then I would assume this means they are claiming that Blizzard is the absolute best? Agree with that or not it hardly makes since to have a annual award show that focuses on things not released that year.
This means the BF 3 or MW3 or Crysis 2 doesn't have good graphics only uncharted 3 has the trophy for best graphics ? WTF they should give this award to atleast a pc game for far superior graphics than the old consoles.
MW3 got best FPS? Have they even tried playing other fps games? Or could they not move for the wads of cash and gifts that Activision probably showered them with... Seriously, why do people keep wasting their money on such awful titles.
Skyrim - go Bethesda!
i fricken love skyrim, this game is worth every penny and i never buy a game when they first come out, cause im way to cheap. Please release the world builder asap!
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