[citation][nom]rohitbaran[/nom]Best graphics: Unchartered 3? Seriously? They didn't even take a look at Crysis 2 DX11 or BF3?[/citation]
best graphics on a technical level... yea those two win... but uncharted 3 has some of the if not the best art design in the industry. take note on how they go for photo realism without making everything washed out grey, or even takeing the contrast down...
and not to mention this game was build from the ground up for 3d, meaning that there is no stupid use of it, its not tacked on, and my god does it look good. the use of 3d alone puts it up there with the best.
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Ignoring the best of the consoles, I think the majority of PC gamers would likely disagree with every major category except perhaps game of the year and best RPG, Skyrim would have a realistic chance of winning both of those. This was clearly a result of a majority voting by console gamers. I'm not saying anything derogatory just pointing out that tastes seem to be very different. Something tells me oddly enough that console gamers heavily voted on best PC game too, as great as Portal 2 was... I don't think that would be the winner, I could be wrong.Anyway, I would like to know what the award for "Gamer God" is? It seems like a rather pointless award that is there just to promote them. If this is a award for past works, then I would assume this means they are claiming that Blizzard is the absolute best? Agree with that or not it hardly makes since to have a annual award show that focuses on things not released that year.[/citation]
combat in skyrim can still use allot of work, if i had to go best rpg, it would probably be dark souls, if gives rpg like elements, in a combat style that is just so satisfying to master, where as skyrim is little more than a hack and slash with its combat.
quests and world i can get behind, combat... seams really dumb to be after demon souls.
[citation][nom]theuniquegamer[/nom]This means the BF 3 or MW3 or Crysis 2 doesn't have good graphics only uncharted 3 has the trophy for best graphics ? WTF they should give this award to atleast a pc game for far superior graphics than the old consoles.[/citation]
they dont sit down and looks at the engines behind games, they look at over all presentation. battlefield 3 and crysis 2 have better tech behind the graphics, but if you ask me what the best graphics are i would go to uncharted 3, and if there was an oden sphere style graphic game in hd, i would go to that one too.
i just cant call any game that has such a poor color pallet a good graphical game. i look outside right NOW mid december, and i see more color on a sunny day than any battlefield 3 map. crysis, if it was still in the jungle and not a city, i may have to consider it, but no, not after the move to the city would i call it good graphic desighn, ill give it that its not washed out grey and brown, but not the best.
[citation][nom]Steveymoo[/nom]MW3 got best FPS? Have they even tried playing other fps games? Or could they not move for the wads of cash and gifts that Activision probably showered them with... Seriously, why do people keep wasting their money on such awful titles.[/citation]
i love arcade shooters like mw3, i dont own it, but was considering it, than i got into blacklight beta, and decided thats going to be my shooter fix next year.
but for most people, battle field 3 has on foot, and in a car/tank and thats it. not many people can pilot helicopters or planes, if there wasnt such a learning curve (tell me one reason it has to be so hard) it would probably be the next blockbuster game.
[citation][nom]redgarl[/nom]Where the hell is The Witcher 2?Skyrim? The Witcher 2 got better music, graphic, story, characters, gameplay, choices, control, interface, menus...For god sake, am I the only one seeing this?![/citation]
that's my christmass present.
music is relitive, i think skyrim does a damn good job there. graphics are also relitive, i think witcher 2 has better graphics, but skyrim on high, and i have no fame rate drops, i have to give it credit for that, and im on a 5770. story is relative, but isnt skyrim an epic scale story, and a make your own story kind of deal? i do perfer that. characters... yea i will go with witcher there, there are only a few characters in skyrim i care about, and i care about them not because they have story, just because i like the character, little girl vampire for one. control, interface, menu hands down witcher, skyrim has nothing on it.
witcher is compared to dark souls in combat style, so i can see why many would perfer skyrim over it.
[citation][nom]jimmy-bee[/nom]If the rated games to include how buggy they are SkyRim would fail. Don't get me wrong, I love the game on PC but the bugs and crashes are annoying.[/citation]
not one crash, not one bug in over 150 hours of game play, aside from markarth and the forsworn, only one i encountered, not sure if its even a bug though.
[citation][nom]halls[/nom]Why is Bethesda the developer of the year? They are horrible at programming their games. Skyrim was cool for a while and all but buggy as hell. They even broke a fix that was necessary for PC players to run the game without crashing with a patch that didn't address the problem at all.And while Skyrim is a decent game, let's be honest here. It basically took Oblivion and Fallout and mashed them together into one title. There was no innovation at all, a few steps backward in some cases, and very few improvements on their initial Oblivion formula.This whole event is a little depressing. Basically rewarding sales and not taking a serious look at the merits of all the titles available for them to examine.[/citation]
oblivion killed elder scrolls, look at pre console demos... my god was that game going to be awsome, and skyrim... it at least brings it closer to morrowind with a better than morrowind combat system.