Skyrim Severe Graphics Problem


Jul 23, 2012
Now i know my PC isn't the best for gaming, but i can run other games on medium detail with no problems at all (Fallout: New Vegas) but when i play Skyrim, at first it loads fine, but then the textures get to be kinda odd. Pieces are missing, things are stretched. I'll add screenshots when I can, but for now I'll describe it as best I can. Most things/people (including my character) are missing pieces, usually in triangles. Never a full section disappearing, just bits and pieces of everything... It's very odd, I've never seen anything like it before. Even when i used to have Skyrim, it never did this. Only now. Editing the display settings doesn't change it at all either, so it's not that. I'll add my computer specs with the pictures, but for now, I'd like to see if anyone can help. Thanks!


Jul 23, 2012
This is all I know how to access, if you need more I'd need some help with finding out how to get to it

System Information
Time of this report: 7/24/2012, 03:39:32
Machine name: DAWN-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
System Model: Presario CQ62 Notebook PC
BIOS: Default System BIOS
Processor: AMD V120 Processor, ~2.2GHz
Memory: 3072MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 2810MB RAM
Page File: 2098MB used, 3783MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode
DxDiag Previously: Crashed in system information (stage 4). Re-running DxDiag with "dontskip" command line parameter or choosing not to bypass information gathering when prompted might result in DxDiag successfully obtaining this information

Display Devices
Card name: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series
Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Chip type: ATI display adapter (0x9712)
DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9712&SUBSYS_1444103C&REV_00
Display Memory: 1402 MB
Dedicated Memory: 252 MB
Shared Memory: 1149 MB
Current Mode: 1366 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: BT156GW01
Monitor Id: INL0007
Native Mode: 1366 x 768(p) (59.984Hz)
Output Type: Internal


Jul 24, 2012

It looks like your laptop is below the recommended minimum for Skyrim. The game requires at least 512Mb of dedicated graphics memory, and 1Gb recommended for the higher detail settings - the above report states it has access to only 252Mb. Since the 4250 is using system memory, you could try and increase the amount of RAM assigned to the GPU by going into the BIOS. This might solve the problems your experiencing, but I'm guessing the 4250 is too slow to play the game.


Jul 24, 2012
Then it's the lack of dedicated memory - the textures may be too high to squeeze into the graphics card's frame buffer. I'd try and increase the buffer - there should be an option in the BIOS.


Jul 24, 2012
Before Windows starts up, there should be a prompt to press a specific key to eenter the BIOS - it varies depending on the laptop. Once you're in, look for an option that refers to the integrated graphics, and next to it there should be a value assigned to the frame buffer. Increasing this value to give more memory to the graphics card, but this will mean you'll have less memory for Windows. Save the settings, reboot and see if that has fixed the problem.


Skyrim works the graphics memory VERY HARD. My card actually has a MEMIO sensor to monitor temps and these go over 100C at stock frequency for me but ONLY on skyrim.

For me to play without interuption I have to underclock my memory by around 15% and set my fan on max.

Basically it may just be that the memory is working very hard and heating up a bit and giving you a few errors. if you have a laptop cooler or a friend with one it would be worth trying to play skyrim while using it and see if that helps any...


Hi, Skyrim is notoriously very CPU intensive - despite numerous optimisations from Bethesda. Usually a quad core processor (e.g. intel i5-2500) is needed to get the best from it. Your laptop appears to be fitted with a single core CPU. I wouldn't expect to be able to run Skyrim very well with your laptop.

Try Skyrim on the lowest possible settings - in a small window for starters - then try gradually increasing the settings to see what you can improve.

Like other previous posters have suggested - try increasing the RAM to the GPU (usually press delete key while BIOS screen is up) to see if that helps.

Apart from that make sure no other programs are running while Skyrim is running.



Yeah I have to agree with some of the above posters. Assign more memory to the GPU. But it might help a little but your CPU is going to hold you back. My advise is use your laptop for other stuff.

It is not a gaming laptop and playing the top games of today will burn it out quick. Invest into a entry level gaming PC. You can put together one for around $500.00. Good luck to you.