SLI 980 with 980 ti?


Jan 29, 2015
So, it's simple, can you SLI a 980 with a 980 ti? It's nearly the same card, but in terms of clock speed and an extra 2GB of VRAM.

Wouldn't the 980 ti just clock itself down to the same core speed as the normal 980 and run together?
I believe in certain dx 12 games it would, other then that i don't think it'd work period. Also from personal experience most games don't support sli setup's so go with the best single card you can afford.

Regarding the sli i believe so, it would be a shared pool of memory, actually no. Now that i think of it those are two completely different cards. The micro arch for the 980 ti is gm200 and i believe 980's are only gm100. So honestly i don't even know if they'd work at all to begin with within that niche market of games. If it did again shared pool of memory so 4gb of gddr5 ram, it would have to match the same speeds as well on top of that.

I recall reading that NVidia is more strict when it comes to SLi than AMD is with Crossfire. They won't allow rebranded cards to connect.
Yes. You can even say it 'very strict'. For example SLI will not going to work on PCIE running at x4 regardless of the version of PCIE the mobo has. Bandwidth wise PCIE 3.0 x4 and PCIE 2.0 x8 have the same bandwidth. But despite that SLI will not going to work in former configuration. For AMD as long as the chip inside is the same they can be paired refardless of the other card config. They also aork with x4 slot.