SLI causes weird pc lag/audio distortion

Nov 15, 2018
I got 2 gtx 970s in SLI. When playing Black Ops 4 I get said lags and my audio makes weird noises like if I was bluescreening but as soon as I disable SLI everything is fine again. Are they running out of memory or something?

Any ideas?
SLI usually causes more problems then its worth, hence why the recommendation for graphics cards is to buy a better more powerful single card then SLI these days.

Now as far as your issue, is it only in Black Ops? Or does this happen in other games? If its just Black Ops then its probably poor SLI utilization, which is again super common. Honestly I would look for a used 980ti or Vega 56.

Both gpus are utilized and apparently it is only in Black Ops. I got rid of it by lowering the graphics. For some reason it was running fine with the old graphics settings untill now.