Sli extreme stuttering with bf4 on 660ti's


Dec 6, 2013
So i recently bought a second 660ti to compliment the first so i could go into sli. I have a 750 watt power supply with 62 amps on the 12v rail so i have heaps of power, but my issue is im getting extreme stuttering on bf4, sometimes down into the single digits (I think the lowest i saw was 2 fps!) When its not stuttering im getting on average around 85-90 fps on ultra.I have run the sli setup on BF3 and it was running fine at around 140fps on ultra. Is this just that bf4 isn't optimized for my sli yet?
Im really confused and i want it to work as BF4 is my main game that i play. The cards are different brands, could that be affecting it? Should i try more games to try and isolate it to BF4. If i switch it run on just one gpu it runs fine, but it means that i've wasted my money on a second card.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i really want to run this game sli but it just doesn't seem to work.
My system Specs are:
i5 3570k oc'd to 4.2 ghz (I have tried bf4 both on stander ed clocks and oc'd with no luck)
Gigabyte Gtx 660ti 2gb OC edition
MSI GTX 660ti 2gb Oc edition
ASROCk z77 extreme 4 motherboard
Windows 8
Corsair Vengeance 1600mhz 8gb
Corsair CX750M PSU