SLI GPU Unstable Clock and Crash


Sep 1, 2013
I have two EVGA GTX 650 Ti Boost graphics cards hooked up in SLI. (I'll post the rest of my computer stats below). I originally started with one, and occasionally would have an error that the "display driver has stopped responding and recovered." Upon posting here I was able to stop that error from happening by going into the NVIDIA options and changing my power settings to "max performance" instead of "adaptive."
Then I got a second card and set it up in SLI. Now I get bursts, maybe 3 or 4 in a row, of these "display driver stopped responding" errors. All my options are the same that fixed it last time. Downloading the EVGA precision X software, I can see both GPU's. I notice that I get these errors when my clock speed is around 348 MHz, and when it clocks up to 1071 MHz it is fine. My first question is why is the clock changing from .3 Ghz to 1.1 GHz, is this just normal operation?

Secondly, I notice that both of my GPU's have different clock speeds, and voltages. My initial GPU has 1175 MHZ clock and 1174 mV voltage, while the second (new) GPU has 1071 MHz and 1075 mV Voltage. Is this operation okay or is there a way I can get the two cards to sync together in both voltage and clock?

Any help or comments would be appreciated. thanks

Gigabyte Ga-990FXA-UD3 motherboard
750 W PSU
AMD FX-8120 3.1 GHz CPU
8 GB Kingston Hyper X Ram
500 GB Harddrive, 7200 RPM
Windows 7


Oct 1, 2012
it could be that the cards are different clock rates or power fluctuations or a combination of the two. I use Precision X on my system and my cards are at Super Clock frequencies. they are identical though.


Jul 2, 2013

I am actually going through the very same frigging thing....I do not know why but one will be running at 1200 mhz and the other will be running in the 300's and yet they are in sync.... I have the voltage set to the same numbers and everything else, but they keep being at huge variable differences, and I wanted to ask if you ever found out what was the problem or how to maintain similar speeds wiht your gpu's