SLI gtx 670s... second card recognized, but not performing


May 19, 2012
Hello, I bought a new system last year and have been having good experiences with it in SLI... however I noticed in the last 3 months that my second card wasnt performing, and I was basicly seeing performance of 1 card... I RMA's the second card, the one in which all of this seems to be happening, got it back, and the same thing is happening. System specs are : Windows 7 / Asus z77 mobo / corsair vengeance 16 gb ( think 1800 mhz, cant recall ) ocz 850 w psu, / 2x gtx 670's one is a ftw card the other bone stock ( bone stock one is the one with issues as a slave ) / and a 1080p acer monitor *also forgot to add, nvidia control panel and GPU- Z recognizes both cards in SLI... its just not performing... please help
Im in agreement probably the SLI bridge. You can always rule out the cards easily by pulling one out, play some games, replace with the other one and play some games on it. This does not sound like a faulty card though.

In the Nvidia control panel > 3D settings > enable SLi indicators. This will show you in game as an overlay in the top left corner how much load each GPU is under.


May 19, 2012

that was the 2nd option I have done, before returning the video card, I ordered another Sli bridge cable... no such luck currently with either cable., Ill play a game and have a look at the indicators and get back to you, thanks