K KnightsCross Distinguished Feb 7, 2015 92 3 18,535 Feb 7, 2015 #1 Can the Nvidia GTX650 2GB DDR5 support SLI and if so what card(s) would be compatible? Would it be a good idea to paid it up with the same exact card or what?
Can the Nvidia GTX650 2GB DDR5 support SLI and if so what card(s) would be compatible? Would it be a good idea to paid it up with the same exact card or what?
K krells Distinguished Nov 10, 2014 1,242 2 19,965 Feb 7, 2015 #2 If memory serves me correctly only the "ti" versions would work in SLI. Either way you would probably be better off upgrading to a newer single card. Upvote 0 Downvote
If memory serves me correctly only the "ti" versions would work in SLI. Either way you would probably be better off upgrading to a newer single card.
CreepyBobo346 Reputable Dec 6, 2014 566 0 5,010 Feb 7, 2015 #3 No other card except the same EXACT card would work in SLI configuration. But yeah, I would recommend him/her getting a better single card. Maybe a GTX 760 or GTX 770. Upvote 0 Downvote
No other card except the same EXACT card would work in SLI configuration. But yeah, I would recommend him/her getting a better single card. Maybe a GTX 760 or GTX 770.