Question Some video files not playing on rectified fake 2Tb thumb drive


Mar 13, 2015
Well, not having seen the warning pinned to the top of this forum, I ordered a "lenovo" thumb drive advertised on Aliexpress as 2Tb! 2Tb - yeah right! After some research I used Fakeflashtest to determine how much capacity was really on the drive, found 399,000 Mb, then made a 399Gb partition formatted as NTFC with Minitools. It all seemed to work fine. I copied a bunch of all types of files to and from the drive and it works OK, albeit a bit slow. However, no mkv or avi file (as well as some mp4) will play from the drive with any software (VLC, Media Player, etc). They work on my computer, other thumb drives, but not on this faker, even though some (but not all) mp4 and mp3, and all other types of files work fine - what the Fu%#!????
Anyone have an idea about what's going on here? (I wasn't sure if I should have posted this as a question, or even how to formulate the question)
Best, TOny
There is not 399GB actual space on that drive. That would be a very odd number.
No matter what that tool reports.
You'd be lucky if it were 32GB.

Fake fake fake.

1. Smash it with a hammer, toss the pieces.

2. If you must attempt to use it, create a series of SMALL videos. Starting at 1GB, then 5GB, 10GB, etc.
Upload one at a time, play it. Delete it.
Repeat with the next larger size, until it fails to play. Then you might discover the actual usable space.