Slow ethernet speeds after upgrading modem


Jun 21, 2012
My previous setup: SB6121 modem > Buffalo N450 router > GS1510 switch. I was getting 130/12Mbps from my ISP on all my Ethernet devices. All devices in my network have gigabit ports.

Comcast emailed me recently saying they upgraded me to 200/10. I knew my SB6121 can't handle that, so I purchased a SB6190.

New setup: SB6190 modem > Buffalo N450 router > GS1510 switch. Now I am 80-100Mbps download with this setup on my Ethernet devices.

Plugging directly into the SB6190, I get 240/12Mbps.

Running SB6190 > GS1510, I get 240/12Mbps.

Running SB6190 > Buffalo N450, I get 80-100Mbps download.

So the router is my problem. But I don't understand why. I run DD-WRT with a lot of custom settings, but nothing has changed other than the modem... I factory reset the router and still get the same results. Any ideas what is happening?

Is it Comcast, by chance? This happened to me before and it turned out Comcast blocked the MAC address of my router to throttle it. Spoof the MAC of your router or buy a new one. Most likely you'll have to buy a new one though, cause Comcast can decrypt the dynamic hash of your router, no matter what spoofing you do. Sorry 🙁

Edit: Also, make sure not to get a DD-WRT router next time. Comcast is blocking them from their network.

Yes, it's Comcast! I always hated them, but they're literally the ONLY ISP available in my area. Do you know why they're doing this to DD-WRT users now? I've been using it for 7 years and haven't had a problem before.

Because ddwrt users bypass comcast's network prioritization to run bitcoin software on tor. There have been a few people put in jail for this before it was court ordered by Comcast to ban them.