Slower Boot Times


Jul 7, 2014
At first, when I booted my computer, the motherboard's logo appears on screen for about 5 seconds. and then it would boot my OS. A few days ago it started taking significantly longer to boot(up to 2 minutes) and this has been consistent for the last few days. Also, normally when this logo is up I can open the BIOS menu but now, I can't. It takes a couple of restarts before I can open the BIOS menu. Any ideas as to solving this? There is nothing I can think of that I have done recently that could have caused this.

Thanks in advance
Hey there again, Nenagh!

I think you should check the motherboard manufacturer's website for any updates on the drivers for your model. I'd again remind you to consider resetting BIOS, if you haven't done it already.
If updating the drivers and resetting BIOS don't help with the boot time, you should consider flashing BIOS (upgrading the mobo's firmware). However, this is a very delicate procedure, so you need to be very careful with it and better yet refer to the motherboard manual on how to do it step-by-step.

Keep us posted!

I didn't know that malware could affect my PC before it had even booted. When you open the BIOS menu the HDD hasn't sent any files to the CPU to be run, right? I really don't think it is malware because the malware would be on my HDD and the time when I'm having the problem is before my PC tries to retrieve files for the HDD. Also, I have an anti-virus and I haven't installed any programs recently. Any other ideas?
Hey there again, Nenagh!

I think you should check the motherboard manufacturer's website for any updates on the drivers for your model. I'd again remind you to consider resetting BIOS, if you haven't done it already.
If updating the drivers and resetting BIOS don't help with the boot time, you should consider flashing BIOS (upgrading the mobo's firmware). However, this is a very delicate procedure, so you need to be very careful with it and better yet refer to the motherboard manual on how to do it step-by-step.

Keep us posted!