Here are the specs of a SFF pc I made for playing games on the couch with a controller, ect. It's running a fully updated windows 10 pro. Has the newest nvida drivers 436.15.
Several games I try to open I get Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library errors. There error code is R6025 - pure vital function call. This is trying Bioshock remastered off of steam, I've also tried Dishonered, and Bioshock 2 remasterd, and Bioshock infinite and they all produce similar error codes.
What I've tried: Reinstalling windows 10, one version older of nvidia drivers, I've installed every Microsoft visual c++ think I could find through google. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
side note: I can play a few other games, rocket league works great. So does A Hat in Time.
i5 3740 | GTX Gt 1030 | 12GB DDR3 Ram. |
What I've tried: Reinstalling windows 10, one version older of nvidia drivers, I've installed every Microsoft visual c++ think I could find through google. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
side note: I can play a few other games, rocket league works great. So does A Hat in Time.