Smart hdd


Apr 16, 2012
I used killz and malwarebites to remove SMART HDD virus from my Windows XP while in safe mode with networking. I also deleated my temp files , now I find out thats where SMART moved them too when "it took over". I see all my programs in the delete programs in the control panel. Is there somewhere else I can reset my programs and their desk top icons ?

Thanks you Charlie....

Are the TEMP folders you deleted in recycle bin, to restore ? If not, you are probably out of luck. But you could download from, their Unhide utility and search the drive to see. Also run it if you could restore from Recycle bin. Infections like to move things, & make them hidden so you think they are deleted.

Restoring from the recycle bin would have been too easy. My life has always revolved around finding the needle in the hay stack .. :pt1cable:
I looked on Major Geeks .. I didnt see anything called "Unhide Utility" . Is there a more exact name it goes by. Thank You for being patient with me. I'm sure that when it comes to computer repair, my eyes have that glassy far away stare .. 😱

My apologies - I gave you wrong info ! - Unhide is at
Here is the link describing it and a download link.

Thank You so much .. !
I downloaded the program from the link . I was then able to go into "my computer" and unlock the program files and everything was back on the desktop just like new .. :)
Jerry / Chris ,

Not sure about the "parasite" you asked nor the way to remove it . But if you have the "Smart HHD" virus as i had . It is removeable and the desktop can be restored by following the link and the acompanying instruction left by ksiemb in his above post ...
I am sure your just as welcome to the rapair as I was ... Thanks again Big K