smell of win2k reinstall in the morning :)


Dec 31, 2007
Win2k was finally getting to bug full for my liking.

openGL 32bit was fubar.
cd's wouldnt autostart
every time i tried to shut down i had to do it twice

so i wiped my 40gig drive and did it again.

this time:
NO via agp patches.
NO via 4in1's
NO directx8.whatever

thats right
win2k. sp2. directx 7.0a. detonators.
soundblaster drivers.
nothing else.

and u know what? i think 99% of my problems are gone.
all the hoo-haa about the via bug and the wonderfully improved directx 8. BULLSHIT

from now on the ONLY way your gonna get me to upgrade to directx 8 is to pry the keyboard and mouse outta my cold dead hands!

Few general quesitons though.

1. Currently ive ot 4 devices assigned to IRQ 9 under APCI, and a further 2 on IRQ 11 and i was wondering if i could change them without having to switch to "standard computer".

2. what exactly ARE the advantages of running my pc as APCI compared to "standard computer", is it only the IRQ assigning that differentiates the two?

3. anyone else have problems with win2k, via mobo's, directx8 and/or via drivers? anyone running without them like me?

4. how do i get win2k to automatically skip past the administrator login prompt? (i have exclusive use of the pc and thus dont use the login)

im sure ill have a few more quozzies in short order.
thanx for your replies

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
Here are my answers for your questions as good as I can answer them.

1. No, don't think so I tried it myself in what I think is every possible way.
2. ACPI also makes your computer shut down I think. When I deactivated ACPI I had to turn of my computer myself.
3. In the order of your questions: yes, no, yes and no. My system is running perfectly stabil now although I had some initial problems with W2K. My first install of the OS went sour on me. Programs crashed, games would not run, choppy sound and music, slow harddisk speed and so on. I formatted my c drive and installed W98 only to find out that it was just as sucky as it has always been 🙂 I reinstalled W2K and everything ran perfect after installing all drivers, peripials and software. The only thing I did not install was Direct X8. I have had a new version of DirectX [-peep-] up a totally stabil system once and I don't want it to happen again. My rule for installing DirectX is when a game asks for a newer version of DirectX i let it install it and not a minute before that. I have never had problems with DirectX since I started installing by that rule. As for all the peeps with Via problems: I have used 4 Via boards since i started building my own computer and I hav never had any problems. I have also build lots of systems for other people (family, friends and colloegues). I have never encountered problems during my time with Via boards or drivers.
4. In users under control panel you can select "Windows always assumes that the following person is logged on to the system" Sorry if it is not the correct phrase but my W2K is Danish. If that checker is already selcted try deleting your user name and making a new one without typing in a password.

I hope this helps you! 🙂

<== StarCraft is not just another computer game ==>
good to see im not the only one who has had directx8 woe's.
and your suggestion about not upgrading till a game absolutely needs its is good

on my old pc i ran 7 for ages with 0 troubles

on my new system with 8.0, i got memory leaks and laggy game behavior all over the place.
an upgrade to 8.1 helped... but it was still crap, specially the 32bit openGL corruption.

wonder if i will still get very slow behavior using the offical detonator drivers like i did before. hmmmm

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
What kind of Graphics Card you got? If you are going to upgrade your video drivers don't download or use version 12.43. These drivers totally [-peep-] up Unreal Tournament and Midtown Madness 2 for a friend of mine!. He could see through walls and floors, the colors was all wrong and the picture flickered very much. He has a OEM Geforce 2 GTS card. I have choosen always to use the drivers from Asus (I got Asus Geforce 2 GTS Deluxe 32 MB). Even though the drivers are not always as new as Nvidias I have never experienced problems with them!
Am running 2 Via Apollo Pro 133 chipset Mobo's with...
NO via agp patches.
NO via 4in1's
NO directx8.whatever
and they're so smooth and stable its almost boring!
No problems.... Win2k, pure valilla right off the CD, and don't even need service packs. Just put on sp2 recently to plug security holes... Rock solid...

Both VIA boxes, a DFI-TA64 PIII667@720 and an Asus P3V4X PIII700@824, have same components in em(ATI video,Yahama sound, Creative modemblaster, Realtek NIC, WD HDs) install W2k in one pass, all devices autodetect and use drives on W2K cd so smoothly it literally suprises me. Since it ain't broke I haven't fixed anything - no sp's, no nothin till recent security patches...

Plus I beat on these boxes as development machines, IIS5, SQL Server 2000, Office 2K Premium, V Studio, Sybase DataArchitet, HomeSite, ErWin, and one with debug kernal and symmbols. Run simultanious debug sessions, running IIS, V Interdev remote debug sessions while VB and C++ component debug sessions are active with breakpoints set - and WOW - no hangs, no blue screen, - UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Win2k, by far the best mission critical and development/debug platform I've ever had the pleasure of programming! I can smack an App and/or hang a process , but ya just clean it up with TaskManager and ya dont even need to reboot! Truely takes Cruel and Unsusal treatment to break...

VIA's not givin me any problems...
For another method to startup without logon dialog, you can set it up in the registry.
Find "DefaultUserName" - that'l put ya in WinLogon folder
Insure following entries are there, or add them(Strings - RegSZ)
DefaultUserName - Value, the user to logon..
DefaultPassword - Value, the user password
AutoAdminLogon - Value, 1

Search MSDN Online for Automatic Logon... Its a carry over from NT4.
well if you look back a bit on these boards you will find a few posts by me regarding my BIG woes trying to find a driver that worked. even the OFFICIAL leadtek drivers from the their website didnt work.

finally found the 12.41's were the best

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
yes. im talking your path and it seems im havin FAR fewer issues than before.
methinks the via bug is overblown.

been up and running for 4 days now, and truthfully i have only had one crash, a spontaneous reboot.
this occured when i swapped two drive letters around then tried to move files from drive to drive... dont think it appreciated that. quick reboot later and alls hunkidori.

any idea when service pack 3 is comming out? ive heard rumblings of it.

serious sam here i come at
1024x768x32bitx(2x2 fsaa) mmmmm

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
Yea, I've always wondered what VIA problems people were talking about...
No problems here...

SiSoft Sandra and WinTune say I'm runnin right upthere with the best of em for what I got... Wel, maybe WD disks ain't the fastest, but reliable...

Sp3 - haven't heard... And ain't going there cause
I ain't changin anything on these boxes till I need too...

And definitely, Just say NO to XP!!!

<i> By Definition, half the people are dumber than average...</i>
for irq's there shouldn't be a problem, you can check an make sure there are no conflicts among the devices sharing irq's (right click my computer/manage/system info/hardware resources/coflicts/sharing). if theres no conflicts you're fine. most devices don't have a problem about sharing irq's. irq 11 is assigned to the agp and a pci so there if you got all or most of your pci's filled its gonna share. though some devices don't like it. firewire for capturing video can be a little meanie so i had to move cards around. uninstall the cards. then one on each reboot add one back, and it should help with the irq assignments.

CPUs are like testicles, every computer should have 2!
ive got 4 sharing on 9 and 2 on 11.

im at work and cant remember exactly what they are...
i think the ones on 9 are
sb live
netcom modem
possibly the graphics.

using ACPI there is no way to reassign them is there?

P.S. IF cpu's are like testicles, why arnt yours running at 45 C and have the buzz of dual 7000rpm coolers?

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
Keep switchin slots till ya find optimum setup...
Tis truly painfull to manually config - and Mobo dependant - then ya add another device - all for not!!!
Allow PnP and Switch them slots till smooth!

<i>It IS as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you.</i>