Snorby Snort Report

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Dec 16, 2012
Good Evening,

Just wondered if anyone could provide any clarification on the below events please. The majority seems to be coming from our DNS server.

Should I be concerned ?

Top 15 Signatures
Signature Name Percentage Event Count
ET WEB_CLIENT Possible HTTP 500 XSS Attempt (External Source) 12.82% 221
ET INFO Packed Executable Download 12.01% 207
ET NETBIOS Microsoft Windows NETAPI Stack Overflow Inbound - M... 11.83% 204
ET POLICY Outdated Windows Flash Version IE 9.34% 161
ET POLICY GNU/Linux APT User-Agent Outbound likely related to ... 9.28% 160
ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download 8.53% 147
GPL SHELLCODE x86 0x90 NOOP unicode 8.12% 140
ET SHELLCODE Common 0a0a0a0a Heap Spray String 4.93% 85
GPL SHELLCODE x86 stealth NOOP 2.73% 47
ET SHELLCODE Hex Obfuscated JavaScript Heap Spray 0a0a0a0a 2.49% 43
ET POLICY Vulnerable Java Version 1.7.x Detected 2.38% 41
ET TFTP Outbound TFTP Read Request 2.03% 35
ET DOS Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) Syn then Reset 30 Second... 1.8% 31
ET POLICY Suspicious inbound to MSSQL port 1433 1.8% 31
ET POLICY Suspicious inbound to mySQL port 3306 1.62% 28
ET SHELLCODE Excessive Use of HeapLib Objects Likely Malicious... 1.62% 28
ET INFO JAVA - ClassID 1.62% 28
ET POLICY Http Client Body contains pass= in cleartext 1.62% 28
ET POLICY Suspicious inbound to Oracle SQL port 1521 1.62% 28
The server is fully patched along with the clients so yes its "hardened" which is why i have the concern. I don't want to add a suppress rule without understanding what's going on.

The IDS show the majority coming from our DNS server (along with a few other roles) and its only been happening recently.
Indeed i have, and Microsoft have as well. Neither of us can see what's going on. Tried to capture packets from client and server side to no avail.
There where discussion for replacing the DNS server to run on 2008 R2 box, but changing the reservation to the new server. Should be interesting to see the outcome.
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