Honestly, why you lot can look between the money I'll never know.
Microcrap - Open Architecture (Good for all). The more people buy some kind of hardware the more it’s supported = cheaper hardware. Whether or not it's bloatware is immaterial. It does a job for a majority of people. Though as we all know they be greedy pirates that actually hate pirates, pirating from them. Yarrrrrrr!
Macpoop - Now Semi Closed Architecture (Good for some). Now locked into Intel chipset (I wonder how much Intel paid for that little baby). Though as before you have to jig it to work it on the unsupportable (Kit not bought for a premium from Apple). Apple would do well to just release the OS for 29.99, £’s or $’s, and take a majority of the market then sqeeeeeze the punters. Like a high class whore that it is. It does a job for a minority of people. Though as we all know they be greedy pirates that actually hate pirates, pirating from them. Yarrrrrrr!
Linuxpap – Openware - Open Architecture (Good for some / Business usage). BSD built top of the line. Ignored by all. Driven by fanatics. Lazy on the desktop. Abysmal on drivers. Good for servers, companies though lacking in an ability to move punters to it. Free! Well sort of. It still remains a bit of an IT Community project. In fact it’s the very basis of why people have a community to fix the fecking thing when adding new hardware.
Solarisoops - Gone from Closed Architecture to Open Architecture. Closed Source to Open Source. It used to be a favourite for the banking industry, now they’re moving toward Linux for high-end server based backend applications. It's like an old king ready for the assassin to stick one in the ribs while he’s touching up his young bride. Intel based now but as per Linux it is lacking drivers for a full range of supportable hardware. Desktop needs an overhaul; not to mention the lack of foresight in trying to compete in a market driven by pretty pictures and kudos hunting fools. In fact it’s the very basis of why people have a community to fix the fecking thing when adding new hardware. Solaris used to be greedy pirates that actually hate pirates, pirating from them. Yarrrrrrr!
As a final note.
Windows is pants – server based or desktop based.
MAC OSX is pants – For selling out, ho-ing down and stuffing the money where the sun don’t shine. Good desktop. Limited to its minority usage. If they actually stop selling out to the buck they would probably win the market.
Linux – Good for many things. No good for a user based desktop that requires Mr Numpty from next door to fix. It seems purely based around enthusiasts for now, one day it maybe a winner. Though still suffering from the make, you can’t make me command hoodlum.
Solaris – Good for many things. No good for a user based desktop that requires Mr Numpty from next door to fix. Goodbye my old friend I enjoyed spending two weeks installing any sort of product from the command line. Though still suffering from the make, you can’t make me command hoodlum.
This is abridged as I couldn’t be ars*d to write anymore.