Oldmangamer_73 :
I don't like behavior taxes in any form, and I see the income tax as big behavior tax. I'm always depressed by the impression of having what I work for and earn taken away from me before I even get to see it.
A sales tax, or even flat tax would help alleviate that impression somewhat. At least with me.
A sales tax would end up being as much or more of a behavior tax than an income tax. You get all of the "well, a sales tax is regressive because poor people spend a greater amount of their income on food than the wealthy" stuff and guess what will happen? Certain "essential" things will be taxed at a lower rate or not taxed at all and the government is what determines what are "essential" things. You can guess what kinds of crap would be pulled in such a situation. The flat tax has the lowest probability of being a behavior tax as the entire premise of a flat tax is "pay X percent of income, no deductions." The only goofiness that can be pulled there is what is considered income. Judging by the current income tax there is some crap that can be pulled but much, much less than either of the other methods.
Oldmangamer_73 :
The "poor" will have more money in their pocket with the elimination of the income tax. So, proportionately it should balance out.
The poor will have less money in their pocket if the existing income tax is eliminated even though they don't pay any federal income tax. The Earned Income Tax Credit and other "refundable" credits results in more money being refunded than was withheld. Just having them pay zero tax and not getting the extra credits would be less money in their pockets compared to now. If you wondered how the country got so screwed up, this is a good example.
The poor will have nothing ever with the Republicans leading the way.That is their want in life.Screw the RICH!
Dang it, he figured out the secret Republican plan!
- Seize bums' shopping carts and their bag of aluminum cans and give them to Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers.
- Make Granny eat dog food and then push her off the cliff. Wait, just push her off as why would you waste money feeding her dog food if you are just going to push her off the cliff?
- Only tax people earning under $250,000 per year and give all of that tax money to those earning over $250k/year
- Replace the Statue of Liberty with a Jesus statue
- Mandate that all companies outsource all non-executive jobs to India, China, or Uzbekistan. Also all companies are required to pay their CEO at least $10 billion per year.
- Declare war against every country in the world, and for good measure nuke Mars and Venus too. Oh, don't forget, nuke Uranus as well as it has a stupid name. Uranus...pfffft.
- Mandate that everybody has to drive a Hummer that burns oil made from clubbed baby seals.
- Mandate that all women must be barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen at all times. Oh and nobody can teach women to read, we don't want them getting all uppity instead of having them making me a sandwich!
- Have ExxonMobile, BP, and Halliburton round up all minorities, gays, lesbians, Democrats, Communists, AGW supporters, atheists, Muslims, Europeans, environmentalists, and intellectuals and turn them into Soylent Green.