I have been soldering for a few years now and have not run into much trouble but recently i have been trying to solder these wires together where a Micro USB cable was split in the middle so i stripped the 4 wires, and am solderer them 4 together. The problem is no matter what i do the solder WILL NOT stick to the wires no matter what temperature i use nor what Solder i use. I have tried 18, 20, and 21 gauge, used lead and non lead but still does not work even in the slightest. My solder tip is clean and i have tried 8 new tips and none make a difference and all have been properly tinned before use and always preheated. I have also used 3 different solder guns and heck i even checked the temp with my temp gun and all 3 are at the proper temp so it cant be them. The solder just beads up and slides around the wire as if it was water falling off a hydrophobic texture. At first i thought maybe the wire was not hot enough for the solder to stick to but i checked the temp of the wire when heated and its perfectly the right temp to melt the solder and the same as the thousands of other things i have soldered on. So maybe i am missing something and is why i am asking here if anyone knows whats up with this because i have never experienced something so solder proof that seems impossible to do. Are Micro USB's made to be impossible to solder so you are forced to buy a new one or am i missing something i do not know? Hope someone can help.