[SOLVED] [solved] Monitor losing signal

Feb 19, 2023
First of all, hello everyone as it's my first post on TH forum.

(Wasn't sure which subforum it fits best, so do apologize if post on wrong one)

I'm looking for some clues helping me to solve problem with monitor switching off due 'no signal' after few seconds/minutes...

System: win 11/ any (explained below)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
Motherboard: Asus Prime X570-Pro
Graphics card: Gigabyte Radeon RX 6800

Problem started yesterday. No changes to system/hardware config made prior to that.
Monitor just went off with info that there is no signal on current input. But pc worked as normal.

Checked cables and ports (all possible combinations of Display port/HDMI connections) - no solution - cables OK

Checked if monitor works ok attached to other device - works fine attached to laptop. Monitor OK.

Update graphic drivers as windows update overwrite them. No solution - problem persists.

Event viewer: event id 86, SCEP certificate enrolment...

Tried to clear TPM, as suggested on Microsoft forum - no result either.

Decided for fresh install - can't go through as monitor goes dark after short while.

Decided to give Ubuntu, Fedora a go. Same issue.

As Ryzen 5 5600X does not have built in graphic adapter can't go that way.

Any clues what might be source of that problem?
Which hardware part - mobo or graphic card? Got none of them handy at the moment and would like to avoid spending money on unnecessary component.

Thanks for any clue...
PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, reefurbished, used)?

= = = =

Also look in Reliability History for error codes, etc..

Much more user friendly and the timeline format may reveal some additional errors and/or patterns.

Look in Task Manager and Task Scheduler for some app or utility being launched at startup or triggered thereafter.

Trying to backup, update, or simply "phone home". Or is buggy and/or corrupted.
PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, reefurbished, used)?

= = = =

Also look in Reliability History for error codes, etc..

Much more user friendly and the timeline format may reveal some additional errors and/or patterns.

Look in Task Manager and Task Scheduler for some app or utility being launched at startup or triggered thereafter.

Trying to backup, update, or simply "phone home". Or is buggy and/or corrupted.
PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?
Dumb me... why didn't I think about that first? It is Corsair RX650 (80 Bronze+ as far as I remember). Yes - it might be a source of the problem as it is 9 years old
(My pc is own build - just change the parts I feel I need to. Case and PSU are oldest one now.

Thanks for pointing so obvious direction 😉