[SOLVED] [SOLVED] Ryzen 5 3500x - WHEA-Logger "Cache Hierarchy Error" Need Help Troubleshooting

Apr 22, 2021
Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I'm using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:
  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.

As for my computer specification, specified in the following:
  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB - Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)

I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I'd really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.
Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I'm using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:
  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including...
psu, cpu overheating, old chipset.
latest bios?

I didn't measure PSU temperature yet, but when my hands near the PSU it doesn't felt hot. As for CPU, the highest temp reach up to 90 Celcius. However, if I checked to several forum that temperature seems acceptable enough for the system. The mobo Is using the latest BIOS from Asus A320M-K Prime official web.

Hopefully, that will clear up some specification that not described well yet.
I didn't measure PSU temperature yet, but when my hands near the PSU it doesn't felt hot. As for CPU, the highest temp reach up to 90 Celcius. However, if I checked to several forum that temperature seems acceptable enough for the system. The mobo Is using the latest BIOS from Asus A320M-K Prime official web.

Hopefully, that will clear up some specification that not described well yet.
What are you using for CPU cooling? 85-90C seems pretty hot for a 3500X on an A320 board (meaning no overclocking possible). I'd look at cooler mounting at least, or even a modest after-market cooler if you're using something tiny like the Wraith Stealth. CM Hyper212 is very good, pretty cheap and probably good enough to carry on to a future upgrade system.

How are you measuring the temperature? I'd suggest getting HWInfo 64 and look for a CPU die (average) temperature reading in the sensors table. It's going to be a more relevant indication of the processor temp.
Are you doing any overclocking on this machine?

Processor APIC ID: 1 is pointing to Core number 2

Make sure everything is set to default in the bios then download corecycler and run it. This should catch errors with any of the cores.

What are you using for CPU cooling? 85-90C seems pretty hot for a 3500X on an A320 board (meaning no overclocking possible). I'd look at cooler mounting at least, or even a modest after-market cooler if you're using something tiny like the Wraith Stealth. CM Hyper212 is very good, pretty cheap and probably good enough to carry on to a future upgrade system.

How are you measuring the temperature? I'd suggest getting HWInfo 64 and look for a CPU die (average) temperature reading in the sensors table. It's going to be a more relevant indication of the processor temp.
Thank you for your input. I have tried stress testing using prime95 and take a log during stress testing with temperature readings from HWInfo64. Based on the logs, when the computer suddenly restart, the temperature of the CPU only reach 63 degree and the motherboard only reach 45 degree. I think it's safe to say that the temperature wasn't the case (the main cause of my computer issue).
Are you doing any overclocking on this machine?

Processor APIC ID: 1 is pointing to Core number 2

Make sure everything is set to default in the bios then download corecycler and run it. This should catch errors with any of the cores.

Thank you for your response.

No I'm not doing any overclocking on this machine. Even when my RAM which could get to 3200 MHz using D.O.C.P profile, I set it back to default. Everything have been set to default BIOS-wise.

I have tried using prime95 but couldn't see any problems from the logs. The last stress test shown that the computer suddenly restart during 1280k test.
Hello everyone,
I got a peculiar problem when I'm using my computer casually where it suddenly become so lag then it automatically reboot. I checked Event viewer and got this status:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor APIC ID: 1
The details view of this entry contains further information.

Several troubleshoots that I have tried including:
  1. Memcheck from windows; All cleared on memory. No issues found, yet problem still pertained.
  2. Unplug WiFi card & DDU re-install graphics driver. Issues still exists.
  3. Format and re-install windows. Issue still exists.
  4. set BIOS configuration to default including not choosing d.o.c.p RAM profiles.
As for my computer specification, specified in the following:
  1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
  2. Mobo: Asus PRIME A320M-K
  3. Memory: V-Gen Tsunami DDR4 3200Mhz Dual-Channel 16GB
  4. VGA: RX 580 8GB - Red Devil
  5. Storage_1: Adata SX6000 Lite 256 GB M.2 NVME
  6. Storage_2: WDC Blue SSD 500 GB
  7. PSU: Infinity 500 W (80+ Bronze)
I have also run CPU Stress test using Prime95 and during self test 12K (+/-30 min) it suddenly become lag and restarted itself. The temperature of the CPU at the moment reach 85 Celsius degree.
Can someone help me with this issue? Does the problem lies on the CPU? (which means I need to RMA it) or Does the PSU is the problem source?
I'd really appreciate your kind help and fast response.

If it is possible, I highly prefer not to RMA as during pandemics the logistic might not be the best which means slow delivery.


It's already fix. It's turned out my electricity is not as stable as it used to. I changed the PSU to CM V750 2 which has greater efficiency and bigger capacity. I also bought an additional UPS to stabilize as well for risk mitigation should blackout suddenly happen. Ryzen cores are really sensitive to voltage changes.