[SOLVED] WHEA errors with windows 10


Dec 13, 2016
Hello guys,

Since 2 weeks now, I have multiple WHEA errors. I thought it was due to my graphical card driver so I came back to an old one (one that I had when I didn't have this problem), but nothing changed. I tried to reinstall windows 10, but nothing changed. I tried to update my BIOS in the latest version and... nothing changed. I'm trying to find solutions online but I can't find a proper one. Almost all of them talk about AVG or Avast causing the problems but I use windows defender.

The only solution I found was when I tried running a stress test of my CPU with Prime95. I left if run all the afternoon while I was playing without noticing it and I had no crash. I stopped it and ... crash, almost instantly. Since I have to keep Prime95 running but it keeps my CPU at 100% so I guess it's not very good for it :)

I debugged the minidump files and had multiple bugcheck 124 with "Probably caused by : GenuineIntel" with this (the 3 last dump)

___________Dump 1______________

Section 0 : Processor Generic
Error Type : Cache error
Operation : Instruction Execute
Section 1 : x86/x64 Processor Specific
Severity : Fatal
Section 2 : x86/x64 MCA
Error : ICACHEL2_IRD_ERR (Proc 0 Bank 8)
___________Dump 2______________

Section 0 : Processor Generic
Error Type : Cache error
Operation : Data Read
Section 1 : x86/x64 Processor Specific
Severity : Fatal
Section 2 : x86/x64 MCA
Error : DCACHEL2_DRD_ERR (Proc 4 Bank 8)
___________Dump 3______________

Section 0 : Memory
Severity : Fatal
Section 1 : Processor Generic
Error Type : Cache error
Operation : Generic
Section 2 : x86/x64 MCA
Error : GCACHEL2_EVICT_ERR (Proc 1 Bank 8)

Configuration :
i7 Ivy Bridge 3770K (not overclocked)

It's clear that it's my cache level 2 and from what I read, it means that my CPU has a default. I would like to know if you had another idea before I change it (and to be sure that the problem will disappear if I change it )

Thank you

Thanks for answering, I made a lot a research on the subject and found nothing usefull in my case.
I already updated my BIOS as I stated in the OP, same for drivers except graphical but even with those, it doesn't change a thing.
I already run all diagnostics and everything indicates PASS which makes the problem a big mystery for me :/
Can you give us minidumps and those that can read them might find a better idea of what is causing it.

Can you follow option one here: http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5560-bsod-minidump-configure-create-windows-10-a.html
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c/windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone with right software to read them will help you fix it :)
Well I though the extracts I put under spoilers was enough since on every forums people are highlighting the same datas everytime (those I put here). But I'll upload them if it seems easier to read.
I've seen those on windows forums and techf...ums too. And I put an entry there too but it seems, for once, that problem is still a mystery for a really large number of people.

Thanks to not letting it totally unanswered tho :)
Have you tried here? https://www.tenforums.com/bsod-crashes-debugging/

I can't find anything about G Cache Lvl 2 Eviction error (mainly not sure what G is, maybe its a bank of ram on CPU)
Eviction refers to the process by which old, relatively unused, or excessively voluminous data can be dropped from the cache, allowing the cache to remain within a memory budget. Generally, applications that use the Second Level Cache should configure eviction, unless only a relatively small amount of reference data is cached.
<< this is just me working out what an eviction is :)

this might help more: https://bsodtutorials.wordpress.com/2015/08/07/the-complete-debugging-guide-to-stop-0x124-part-3/
now I get it.. G Cache Lvl 2 Eviction error
G stands for generic error, not caused by data or an instruction
Cache lvl is obvious
EVICT = Eviction error
D cache Lvl 2 DRD error = D stands for data. DRD stands for Data read
I cache lvl 2 IRD error = I stands for Instructions, IRD stands for Instruction fetch

TIL :)

looks like that cache is dead, or has issues.
Ok so it seems to be working now.

I found that speedstep (an option on the CPU which makes the CPU go into "idle" mode) was part of the issue. I disabled it and I did not get any crashes for 30m. So I put it back and boosted my CPU voltage from 1.008v to 1.060v and now it works well. No crash so far.

Thanks for your help Colif 😉