Some advice for overclocking ryzen 5 1600 please.


Mar 28, 2017

I have overclocked my Ryzen 5 1600 to 3.8ghz @ 1.3125v on stock cooler.
Max temp after an hour running prime95 was 73c

Thought id try 3.9ghz but I'm already upto 1.3825v and its still not stable.
Its lasting around 4 mins of prime95 and temps are 75c when it crashes.

Do I need to keep raising voltage till its stable?
Whats a safe voltage limit on this cpu without causing damage?
Could it be crashing because of the temp, is 75c too high?

I have ordered an MSI Core Frozr L cooler to help lower the temperatures.

Computer is as follows
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600
Memory: 16gb ddr4 2400
Graphics: Msi gaming rx580 8gb
Motherboard: Msi mortar b350m
Storage: 120gb ssd and 1tb hard drive
PSU: seasonic m12 evolution 520w

Raise CPU NB...

Raise CPU NB voltage to 1.100v, never go any higher than 1.2v for this voltage, you should never need that much anyway, I wouldn't take you CPU core voltage up any higher, its very possible you've hit the wall for your CPU at 3.8ghz, I found that with RyZen CPU's, once you hit the limit the cores are willing to overclock too, you need stupid amounts of voltage to get 100mhz more out of them, really not worth it.

This was testing stages still of mine in this video, and although CPU NB Voltage is at 1.15v in that video, I brought it down to 1.100v in the end.

Also, is your bios up to date ?

Yes the BIOS is on 1.4, which is the latest.

My new cooler is coming tomorrow, so ill have another try at 3.9 then.
It does look like 3.8 is going to be the better option for my cpu.
Like you said it doesn't seem worth the extra heat and voltage just for 100mhz.
Ill try again and update the post tomorrow.

Thanks for your help, and for the video.
I plan to try overclocking the memory. I figured I'd get the cpu at a stable speed first and then try the memory.

I've never tried overclocking memory. I'll have to read up on a few guides before I attempt it.

I did plan on buying faster memory but found mine for only £70. Always planned on selling it and buying faster eventually, I'll see how overclocking it goes though.
Just a quick update.

My new cooler arrived yesterday and now temps are so much better.

3.8ghz @ 1.3125v , max temp is 58c after running prime 95 overnight.
3.9ghz @ 1.35v , max temp is 65c after 2 hours prime95
4ghz is unstable even at 1.4v and I don't want to try any higher.

So ive decided to stick with 3.8ghz so I can set fan speeds to low and have an extremely quiet computer.
So now onto trying to overclock memory.

Thanks for the help