Some of my USB outlets do not work with new build


May 26, 2010
I just built a new PC and I cannot use half of my USB's. These are: the front panel 2.0 pair, The USB 3.1 pair (TA1 abs TC1) and the USB 3.0 (#5 and 6). USB 3.0 numbers 1,2,3 and 4 work. I understand that this MB handles some USB's differently than others so this might be a clue.
When the system was first powered on with windows 7 none of them worked. Neither did Internet. I used a PCI USB3 to get mouse, keyboard and USB CD access and installed the disc. Then some USB's began to work. I upgraded to Windows 10 and the rest began to work. Now it gets tricky and I am sorry for that.
Because of a problem with a USB device (which later turned out to be broken) and because I had an exclamation point on the USB xXHCI Compliant host someone here said I had too many USB drivers (13) and perhaps that was the cause. I removed about 6 of them including the bad one. U then restarted expecting Windows to supply working ones. Later I updated the bios and drivers from ASrock and the chip firmware and eventually did a repair install of Win 10. What should I try next?

ASRock X370 Taichi, Ryzen 5 1600X

Upgraded using a purchased new edition of win 10. The USB's did all work after I did that but since I uninstalled some of the drivers I have been unable to get them working.


Thanks for the reply. I just checked and the front panel USB's are installed correctly. All USB items in Device manager have the drivers installed except the problem one "USB xHCI Compliant Host" Which has showed a Code 10 unable to start from the beginning. I cannot get it to work properly. I have uninstalled it and reset and installed drivers without success.


Gave up and installed Win 10 as soon as I found that it wouldn't download updates with 7.


As suggested I removed the card. The Asrock site does not list chipset or usb software spacificially but I suspect that they are included in the Allinone download which I installed after removing the board. Still no change.


I have just noticed that the warning (code 10) on one of the USB drivers is gone after I removed the card. Thank you for that suggestion. I still do have 2 pair of USB3 and one of USB 3.1 not working. What is next?

Hmmmm, can you turn the USB ports on and off in BIOS? Orrrrr, on some mobos certain features are disabled when you add something else to the system. IE, one of my SATA3 ports is not available if you install an M.2 ssd. Maybe something like that, but for your USBs?

I checked. "best drivers are already installed. " is it safe to uninstall and reboot to get windows to find more?