Some questions about the Wii before I buy


Dec 13, 2006
Hi, I'm getting ready to throw down the cash for a Wii, but I have a few specific questions first that someone with a Wii will be able to help with.

1. The AC (mains) adapter: does it do voltage switching? What I mean is, does it say something like INPUT: 100-240V on it? I'm buying one in the States for use in Europe too.

2. The Wii Charge Station. Does this also do voltage switching? Or is it just a piece of plastic with the power cord running out of it? I'm afraid to use any voltage converter that I own on something like this. Voltage converters don't usually convert perfectly. I find that my European appliances run a bit slow in the States and my American appliances run a bit fast. I wouldn't want a battery charger to run a bit too fast over here, don't want explosions or the such.

3. Is it useful to also buy a classic controller for the Wii? I want to play some Gamecube games on it because I never owned a Gamecube and there are some games I feel I missed out on. Maybe I should buy a Gamecube controller instead then? They work with the Wii, right?

4. Probably going to pick up one of those guns (e.g. The Perfect Shot), a guitar, and a driving wheel. Any caveats that I should know about? I also see a lot of these cheap Chinese plastic golf clubs and tennis racquets being sold, but I don't need any of that crap, right?

5. S-video and/or Component video cables. Which come with the Wii itself? Can anyone say for certain that Component video makes a difference over S-video with regards to the Wii's graphical capabilities?

6. Does the Wii have an optical out port for audio?

7. The memory cards. I've noticed these are your basic, ubiquitous SD cards. Can I use any SD card with the Wii? Or will I have to use Wii-specific cards? If so, are there any adaptors in existence that will allow regular SD cards to work? Does the Wii come with a memory card to get me started? It sucked when I bought a PS2 a while back and it came with JACK SH-T.

8. Finally, what's the MSRP on the Wii? I've looked a bunch of places, but can't find a real number because of all the bundles and demand has pushed the prices up on some websites. I'm thinking it's 299$, as that's about what they're going for on eBay.

Thank you for your help! :pt1cable:


Mar 8, 2008
1. I don't know... I didn't bring my Wii overseas, only my DS and I have to have an 240-115 adapter to charge the DS.

2. I have never used the wii charge station, I just use energizer nimh rechargables in the wiimotes.

3. The classic controller is required for SNES and N64 downloaded games, the gamecube controller is required for gamecube games.

4. As far as the guitar goes, unless you already have guitar hero, it's only $10 or $20 more for the bundle than just for the guitar. For the gun, get the wii blaster/zelda bundle... you will enjoy that one the best. For the steering wheel, the $10 wheel is ok but for $50 you can get the wheel and mario kart :) The golf club/racket/bat combo things, ya you don't need those at all, they are good for kids though.

5. Neither come with it, just RCA cables. From what I hear component cables make a slight difference on HDTV and tv that can handle progressive scan, but not much.

6. I have never looked actually

7. You can use whatever SD card you want

8. $249.99 at gamestop, best buy, walmart, target, circut city and so on.


Mar 8, 2008
Oh and you may know this already, the US Wii won't play most europe/asia games due to region codes, and the wii connection to the tv has to be the same or whatever ( i don't know what it is, just that it is an issue that must be looked at).


Dec 10, 2005
Component makes a MASSIVE difference with a HDTV. The colours are much more vibrant and there's far less jaggys too the picture as it's running at 480p rather than the 576i standard.


Dec 13, 2006
Okay, so #3, #4, #5, #7 and #8 are settled.

What about #1, #2, #6? Do you have an actual Wii that you can look at for #1 and #6?

Yes, I know about the region codes. There's no way I'll buy games in Europe. Where I live, your typical Wii game is over 100$US. It's much cheaper to buy them on eBay and have them shipped over here, then pay 25% VAT (which I can typically avoid through numerous tricks). I'd buy a Wiikey and a soldering iron for 20$ before I buy a 100$ game.


Mar 28, 2006
Unfortunately I'm at work and can't check on my wii.

The wii charge stations are just a piece of plastic with a cord coming out. No switching on them. They are convenient, but not needed. I'd buy them and use them in the states, but swap out for regular rechargeable batteries in EU.

I would buy 2 of each the gamecube and classic controllers if money is not a huge issue. You can use the gamecube controllers for virtual console games, but many gamecube games won't work with the classic controller. However the classic controllers are very convenient and work better for SNES, Genesis, and NES games on the virtual console.

There is no need for the silly sports add-ons. The Nintendo official gun thing comes with link's crossbow trainer, which some people have really liked. I haven't tried it myself.

If you have an HD-TV, you might want to get some cheap off brand component cables. They improve the picture a little, but not a tremendous amount. However for the price of the offbrand cables, it is probably worth it. Do be aware however, that some combinations of TV and wii will not work in HD mode without a receiver. I am not sure what causes this but if it doesn't work, it isn't a huge loss.

I can't remember if it had optical audio out or not. I really should check on that since I have a spare TOS cable and a receiver that can make use of it now. If I remember when I get home, I'll give you an update on this and #1.

I am using a standard issue off brand 2 gig SD card in my wii currently. No problems so far. Also the wii comes with 512Megs of flash memory built in but no removable card. If you put in an SD card that is in addition to the built in 512 so it is kind of nice. I do wish there were two SD card slots though so you could transfer from one to the other without juggling and using the built in memory.

A standard no frills wii pack should run you $250. Some places still only sell it in bundles however so you would end up with a game or two you may or may not want, an SD card, a couple extra controllers, and maybe some other junk. Use gamestop or EB as a last resort as they are the worst for the bundles. Hope this helps.



Dec 13, 2006
That really does help a lot. Thank you so much for the reply! Looking forward to hearing about #1 and #6 then :)

But let me get one thing straight. There's something called a "virtual console" that even lets you play Genesis games?? I suppose this is part of Wii's online capabilities and requires a purchase to play these games, correct?


Mar 8, 2008
Ya the virtual console is just one of the channels... it's the area where you play all the games from a boat load of consoles, all available for download. most are 500-1000 "points". $1=100 points.


Mar 8, 2008
If i had the wii in front of me i would list the consoles that the wii can play games from, but it's a lot more than just previous generations of nintendo, that's for sure


Mar 28, 2006
From memory there are genesis, NES, SNES, N64, Turbo Graphix16, and NeoGeo. I think there are others but I can't remember for sure.

If you are up for some old school fun, there is plenty to be had there. I think they overcharge a little bit for the old games but not too badly.

Most nintendo games are $5, most SNES and genesis games are around $8 and most N64 games are around $10 if I remember right.


Mar 28, 2006
Just checked my wii (that sounds vaguely perverse) and it does not have optical audio nor a switching power supply. The power supply is external however so the only difference between the american and european models are probably just the power supply itself. You may want to research that however as I am just guessing.


Dec 13, 2006


Wow, that's quite a few old systems. I like retrogaming, but I actually have all those old games in rom format. Even the Neo-Geo and TG16 ones :)

I guess I'm really just interested in Wii and Gamecube games, Infornography42 and Boonality, but thanks for the information on the old stuff. That other service you talked about, however (the one on my other thread), sounds very interesting. A service to download and play newly-designed retro-style games. Nice :) Can't wait to check that out!

I went looking and found a switching power supply specifically for the Wii on eBay. I might pick that up then if I need it as I'll have plenty of time to test the Wii out this summer before coming back. The lack of optical audio out is a slight bummer, but not enough to keep me from buying the system.

I want to thank all of you for your help. It might seem strange, so many questions that is, but I have this little complex you see. I can't buy anything without thoroughly researching it and checking it out. I'm sure I'm not the only one ;)


Mar 22, 2007
i remember reading that the output supports dolby pro logic II so if you have the hardware to decode it you can have surround


Feb 16, 2006

Since most of the technical questions seem to have been addressed, I will humbly submit a few GameCube/Wii titles for your consideration:

Resident Evil 4: I'd go with the Wii edition -- the controls make a near-perfect GameCube game into a flawless 10 out of 10.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem: one of the best survival horror titles I've ever played, with an unforgettable narrative.

Killer7: a cult classic that puts a truly bizzare and original spin on the FPS. It's like playing an anime film.

Beyond Good and Evil: not for everyone, but a fresh and original sci-fi title. Starts slow, but give it time.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: excellent star wars game, beautifully designed X-wing combat game.


Mar 22, 2007
I use my logitech 5450's and it sounds good!

anyway to add to the list of games, Zelda is a must it will keep you amused for hours, mario kart is another good one. Smash brothers is essential and available in america whereas we have to wait in the UK.

Errrr other games are down to personal preference

Killer 7 looks fantastic but i haven't had chance to get it yet



I would imagine with his internet browser! ;)

He means he's at work and can't pick up his Wii and look at the PSU as it's at home.


Mar 8, 2008
I can access TH from work as well... thank goodness. 12 hour shifts 6 days a week staring at trouble tickets and ADUC would be really really bad if i couldn't browse TH forums.



Could be worse- I'm sorting out the shocking HTML FrontPage generates!

Why do they have to make up their own version?
Why has it set this webpage to a width of 107%?!
Why doesn't it close paragraphs?!?



Mar 8, 2008
It's all good. I enjoy what I do and don't mind spending the time out here. 6 months every couple of years is worth it if that's what is required of me to be able to keep the army talking to each other in the field so they don't get dead.


Dec 13, 2006

Thanks RobWright, you saved me the trouble of starting a new "Recommended Gamecube Games" thread ;)

This is what I was thinking for the Wii: Wii Sports Pack, Wii Play, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Mario Party 8, Metroid 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess, Guitar Hero, Mercury Meltdown Revolution, Paper Mario, Dance Dance Revolution?? (for the girl), No More Heroes, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Okami

And for the Gamecube: Beyond Good & Evil, Zelda Wind Walker, Zelda Four Swords, James Bond: Everything or Nothing, The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, Super Mario Sunshine, SSX 3, Viewtiful Joe, Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Super Paper Mario, Pikmin, Smash Bros. Melee, Eternal Darkness, Cellda

How do these sound? I'll have to add Star Wars Rogue Squadron II and Killer7 to the list. XIII was one of my favourite games of all time, so I guess I need to try Killer7. Oh, and when it concerns Resident Evil 4, I've played the PS2 and PC versions at length so that might be enough, though I've heard the Wii version is the definitive one. Sounds like it's worth a spin.