GOSH FREAKIN DAMNIT!!!! I would LOVE an OLED monitor, but not at 1920x1080! I need at least 1920x1200! 2560x1600 would be even better, but it has to be 16:10. I don't watch movies on my computer, I watch them on my TV (reading from my computer). 16:9 works for TVs, but not on a computer. I lose too much to tool bars, tool panels, address bars, tabs, and menu bars. On a 16:9 screen I'm left with a sliver of content across the middle!
Nobody is going out specifically looking for 16:9 monitors, those who don't know are just buying a cheap wide monitor. They don't know or care what the aspect ratio is, they just want cheap, which OLED is not! The people who will benefit from OLED and will dish out the money prefer 16:10.