Sony Details Games and Services for PS4 Launch

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Lower price, better specs, hardly if any of the DRM of the XBOne, with a wider, larger selection of 1st party games in the first year - Sony may not have killed Microsoft, but Microsoft definitely has a PR hole to dig itself out of. MSFT has a headwind to overcome right now. I don't know that there is enough attraction for the odds and ends stuff they threw in to the One.
gladiator_mohaa "Someone's comment on the youtubes, "XBOX IS DONE CALL AN AMBULANCE......WII U WII WII U WII U WII U WII U" that comment just won the internet LOL I don't think the patient is going to make it! we need to send him to the OR ASAP. we need to remove his always online DRM, and the used game fee, and the HAL9000 Kinect! Microsoft I hope you learn from this. you are ging full EA. Never go full EA
gladiator_mohaa "Someone's comment on the youtubes, "XBOX IS DONE CALL AN AMBULANCE......WII U WII WII U WII U WII U WII U" that comment just won the internet LOL I don't think the patient is going to make it! we need to send him to the OR ASAP. we need to remove his always online DRM, and the used game fee, and the HAL9000 Kinect! Microsoft I hope you learn from this. you are going full EA. Never go full EA
"Someone's comment on the youtubes, "XBOX IS DONE CALL AN AMBULANCE......WII U WII WII U WII U WII U WII U" gladiator_mohaa you and whoever made that comment just won the internet. Oh Noes! we need to take the patient to the OR immediately! he has some bad growths which are very likely fatal! we need to remove his always online DRM, Used games fee, and HAL9000 kinect! I don't think he is going to make it! Microsoft I hope you learn from this and if your console goes down the toilet, it was your fault for applying such draconian measures. You just went Full EA... Never go Full EA
Sony also seems to be smaller than Xbone:

XB1: 34.3 x 26.3 x 8 => 7,200 cm3
PS4: 30.5 x 27.5 x 5.3 => 4,400 cm3

So PS4 is 63% smaller than Xbone.
AND its power supply is intenral, while Microsoft opted for external brick.

But how come eh? Probably because Sony is (still, sigh) a hardware company and not a monopolist with oversized marketing department...

Now expect shit storms of FUD by Micro$oft "to compensate".

Because nobody seemed to care about this difference when buying consoles, yet having customers pay for it is quite a stream of money.

personally i like the external psu. i can re purpose them if i ever have the need to, also, it makes heat in the console lower.
this may be a concern with the ps4... god knows it was an issue with the 360

Online gaming on PSN is still free. The one that needs subscription is the premium stuffs like cloud gaming.

The usual online multiplayer like we have on PS3 is still free.

No, you must have PS plus now to play online. It even says so in the article.

Last sentence, paragraph 3. " PSN membership will carry over from PS3, though you'll require a PlayStation Plus subscription to play online, which kind of blows."

but seriously, it's fifty dollars a year, and you get 20+ free games for having plus. If that's a deal breaker for people, then w have a word for them, PC gamers.

smaller does not mean better.

I prefer bigger consoles. and I prefer external power supply.


No the PS4 is not cheaper , you still need to buy the Eyecamera which is 60$ and a separate move motion controller for each player for 30$ each , so for 1 player you need 90$ , for 4 players you will need 180$

while the xboxone you need nothing is already there for 4 players virtual gaming.

is Wii a Gimmick ? we all enjoyed Wii Games.

now with 8 cores and 8 G Ram expect virtual Gaming to be REAL ! and Responsive !

Dude I've got a mobile phone for ya:

But seriously, how on earth you could state that?
Xbone is said to have 7790 GPU, PS4 is said to have 7850. (go check benchmarks on what that means).
PS4 is said to have GDDR3 ram which has 2.6 times throughput of DDR5 used by Microsoft.

The argument I've heard about "bigger is better" was that bigger coolers are somehow inherently quieter than smaller ones.
Let me enlighten you: while it is easier to keep it quiet with bigger coolers, "bigger = quieter" is not even REMOTELY the case, take any Noctua's cooler and see how it fares against bigger nonames.

Sony's PS3 consumed TIMES MORE energy than Xbox360, yet it was MUCH quieter at the same time. Ok?

Nobody knows how good new consoles would be but tell me a single reason to expect Sony's hardware to be inferior to Microsoft's given recent history...

Wii is a gimmick. I don't know many people who play their Wii regularly, like other console players do. Because virtual gaming usually = bad games that just rely on the virtual controller to make their game fun.
Real gamers play real games on real consoles.
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